Over And Forever: Story by Author Suman Mukherjee

Note: This story is written by Author Suman Mukherjee, He is the author of six books which are already doing well. So, today’s tale is by him. You can also follow his stories on oops.in.



Their parents loved them with the power of a thousand suns. Aditi had a heart as big as sunflower and her brother Aarav had that cheeky grin and was all the more adorable. He was ten years old, his sister was seven, both intelligent and kind.

They were my neighbors. I would often see the father, Abhay Sood, dancing with his children to crazy and silly music sometimes on the lawn or in the kitchen. He chased them around the house, giggling and laughing all the way playing hide & seek with his kids. Their mother, Aparna, surrounded them with love. She was their shelter, their guardian, their anchor- always fierce in their defense.

Aparna was the first victim of the pandemic, followed by her husband a couple of months later.

And Aditi and Aarav soon started a new life with a new family at the new orphanage!




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 ‘This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and sponsored by BakezbyDaizy.






21 thoughts on “Over And Forever: Story by Author Suman Mukherjee”

  1. oh dear! this story was so heart felt and sad at the same time. All I wish is for them to still see the good in life despite the tragedy that happened to their family.

  2. so heartbreaking Moni… can’t even imagine. I haven’t read any of Suman Mukherjee’s works but this surely hit hard.

  3. Life is unpredictable and we dont when happy life turned dark making life miserable. I can understand the level of pain the kids experiencing in life especially in the case when they were of the age when they know who their parents were. I wish both siblings of your short story get a happy home where they can get the parental love which they deserve for a healthy life ahead. Wonderful and thought provoking story.

  4. Very heart touching story. It happens that people pay too much attention to material things. After some time they understand that it is a mistake and that true connection with family and friends is far more valuable.

  5. Very heart touching story. It happens that people pay too much attention to material things. After some time they understand that it is a mistake and that true connection with family and friends are far more valuable.

  6. The home is filled with love and laughter turned into a silent zone. Pandamic was hitted so badly in real life too. What happened then? I am curious to know. Will there be second part?

  7. Such a sad story! Two kids being orphaned due to pandemic. There are so many such relatable stories out there and so many we have seen with our own eyes. The pandemic has taken so many lives.

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