Apologizing means saying sorry for something you did wrong, even if you didn’t mean to. When you apologize, you might also promise to do better in the future and fix any harm you caused. It’s a way of showing that you care and understand the other person’s feelings. Apologizing can help mend relationships and prevent further misunderstandings.
Sometimes, it’s easy to say sorry for small things like accidentally bumping into someone. But when it really matters, apologizing can be hard. Politicians and leaders sometimes give non-apology apologies that don’t really admit any wrongdoing. These apologies might sound like they’re saying sorry, but they don’t really take responsibility or promise to change.
A genuine apology is when you admit a specific mistake, feel sorry for it, and show that you want to make things right. It’s about taking responsibility for your actions and making sure you don’t repeat them. Apologizing can be difficult because it requires humility, which means admitting when you’re wrong and accepting that you made a mistake.
Apologizing is not a sign of weakness; in fact, it can make you stronger. It shows that you’re willing to learn and grow from your errors. While it might feel uncomfortable to apologize, it’s an important way to show respect and care for others.
It’s interesting to note that narcissists, who have a big focus on themselves, rarely apologize. They find it hard to admit their mistakes or show humility.
So, remember, apologizing is a way to mend relationships and learn from your actions. It might not always be easy, but it’s a sign of strength and caring.
Wonderful post on the subject! I agree with a lot of what you said about it.
Apologizing makes us stronger, saves relationships and makes life easier for everyone involved. Unfortunately many don’t do this. Yes, narcissists never apologize and I have lived with one! 🙁
Saying sorry doesn’t make you little or down. It just shows how matured you are. Saying after a wrong deed is nice but are the actually genuine cause some just say it for saying sake. Nice write-up.
I dont think apologizing makes us little or down. I think it has to more with being vulnerable with someone and admitting fault. Admitting that we hurt someone. Very good post. I found it fascinating. Cant wait to read more!
Seeking forgiveness and apologizing is a beautiful way to restore a relationship and get things righted. It’s so important in life I believe. I have to say I love the new look of your site while I’m at it. It’s very cool!
That is such an important topic. For some people it is very hard to face being wrong. For some people saying sorry is so very easy, this person can’t really feel anything behind it. the middle is golden. You post is making things with other people more clear to me
Great content, very well said. Saying sorry is an act of maturity.. It was so hard to do that, but sometimes isolated situations occurs, some people says sorry and do the wrong thing over and over again which makes the word and action so non sense.
For me friendships are important and I like sincerity and apologize if I’m wrong
This is something that needs to be talked about way more than it is. The importance of apologies has always been instilled in me but I never quite articulate it the way you did in that first paragraph, particular the part of how an apology can indicate appreciation. I’ve never seen it so eloquently put. I’m definitely going to have to share this!
I generally apologize even when it’s not my mistake to hold up the relationships. I also believe we should not apologize unnecessarily all the time otherwise people will take us for granted and they won’t improve their mistakes. Experiences teach me 🙂
One the the hardest things seems to be admiring fault and gueinely appolagising for what ever one has done.
The word sorry. Some people like to just throw it around, but those that genuinely are remorseful…that’s when you know they care.
I have a hard time apologizing!! Something I need to work on! This was all insightful
It was really hard especially if you are an honest person, and you can’t admit that you are wrong. Some people can easily say this to deceive their significant others. Lmao.
It is hard because that means we were wrong. Saying sorry needs to be done and it shows love.
This was a great read! I have always had an issue apologizing, but I always do. Rather they feel better than my pride not get a little dirt on it.
Gosh I’m almost the total opposite. I feel like I apologize too much and it loses its effect and makes me seem insincere. Balance is hard
I always think it is ok to make mistake, we just have to acknowledge and admit we are wrong and say “sorry”. Be it to ourselves, to the people who we feel sorry for and move on. Sorry isn’t hard to say, we just have to practice and learn how to and get use to it.
It’s hard to say sorry because it’s hard to admit when you’re wrong. A thoughtful post.
For me apologizing takes practice and thought. I try to think of the consideration I would want to get, and give that in return. When I fall out of practice, it makes it harder to do when needed. Balance is key.
A very insightful post. I hate non apologies. It’s worse than no apology because it minimises the hurt they’ve caused and that hurts you again.
Saying sorry is so difficult. In a professional setting, I don’t find it difficult to apologize because I have ne real relation to those people. At home is a completely different story! I think what makes it so difficult for me to do at home is because those people actually mean something to me and I hold them close to my heart. But when it comes to people apologizing to me, I expect it! And I know that is super contradicting…I do my best to understand but some times it is difficult. Very insightful post. It really got me thinking!
Apologizing can mean so many different things! It doesn’t have to be an admission of guilt, but us answering for the way we made someone feel. Perception is everything. This is a tough subject! Love what you did.
For me, it’s not, but there are people who never say sorry and i hate that so much. I try not to be around with those who cannot accept their faults.
Great post! It’s very hard to say sorry and admit that you’re at fault especially in a relationship. But it can do wonders if everyone can learn to let go of their ego and seek for forgiveness
This is such a great share of awareness and a great reminder to everyone. Honestly, I do feel lazy sometimes of doing my workouts but your article made me realize that I need and want to do this for me to have a healthy and happy lifestyle.
I totally enjoyed reading this article. Saying sorry is really a hard thing to do but I’ve learned for my past experiences that saying sorry is very important because it helps us to learn from our mistakes and it helps restore and save our relationships.
Forgiveness and apologetics are far too uncommon these days. I try to never forget these to aspect.
A simple apology can go so far when it comes to personal relationships. Great insights. It’s so important we teach our children to know when and how to show their vulnerabilities.
I feel like people think when they say sorry its for the other person when really it is for yoU!
It’s so hard for me to apologize most of the time. I always feel like I’m the one on the right. I am going to have to work on that.
Sorry is really a difficult word to say, but for me if you are matured enough to accept you are wrong, I think it is not a bitter pill to swallow.
I believe a sincere apology results in positive benefits for both parties.
It shouldnt be hard to apologize when you truly care about your friendship and/or relationships.
Saying sorry affects our pride really but you are correct that it makes us actually stronger after and wiser (definitely a sign of maturity). So hopefully more will see this. Nice job.
For me sorry comes from the heart and not just saying the word but you mean it meaning not doing the same mistake again. This is a great insight. Thanks
What a great way to view I’m Sorry. You have really gotten my thinking cap going. I try my best to say I’m sorry when I am wrong. It causes way too much hurt.
Aaaaah yes!!! We need to make apologizing more a part of us! It helps us get so much out of our way, actually.
Sorry and admit our mistakes is a great way that we can learn and improve things. This is such wonderful post.
They say that sorry is the hardest word to say, but saying sorry shows that you do care and it is something we all have to do at some stage x
Yes, saying sorry is hard it is the proof that we were wrong and we had done wrong. But apart from this an apology is the super-glue of life. It can repair just about anything
I feel like I say sorry even when its not my fault!! Great post – very thought provoking.
Thanks for this great life reminder, love your sharing & agreeing at times wanna say sorry but saying it out need some courage/ effort. cheers, siennylovesdrawing
It takes a very strong person to be able to admit that they have done wrong and to apologize. I try to always remember this when I have problems or have made mistakes myself.
It’s so true – apologizing does make us stronger. It allows for growth and establishing stronger connections. It can be hard to reflect and admit you were wrong. But it’s truly so important we allow ourselves to do that. Not only does it help heal the person we’re apologizing too, it allows us to heal too ♡. Thank you for sharing!
I’ve gotten so much better at apologizing when I became better at reconizing my faults. I don’t have to win all the time. It’s has saved me so much headache and it’s funny seeing how quickly a situation deescalates when the other person hears I’m sorry when they’re expecting something different
apologizing is hard; i sometimes do when i don’t feel like it just to smooth things over, and while i don;t feel happy at that moment because i am maybe still mad :), it is always worth it to admit when we’re wrong..
Saying sorry and realizing your are wrong and apologizing for that is not always the same thing. I often misuse sorry. When I feel one person is pissed on me I tend to say ‘I’m sorry’ even though deeply I am not sorry, I just want things to go back to normal.
I think sometime people miss what sorry really does. To me it acknowledges the feelings of the other person. I mean, if you hurt someone’s feelings and they tell you, just apologize. I’m sure people say things that they don’t necessarily mean in a way to offend someone.
I will agree with you completely.
It’s really hard to say sorry, Even if we know that we are wrong somewhere or the other.
Very nicely written from the heart.
I think it’s the matter of admitting that what you did or said was wrong with a lot of people. Very interesting!
Very good post. It is uncomfortable to have to say you are sorry. However, if you lwant to maintain good relationships, you must do it at times. You will also feel better about yourself if you are honest and vulnerable in your relationships. Thank you for sharing.
I used to struggle with saying sorry TOO much. Now I only say it if I mean it. It’s hard but worth it.
This is really awesome to read! I used to apologize for EVERYTHING and now I don’t and it’s made everything so much better!!
I actually have NO problem saying sorry but I don’t say it often at all because I am not really sorry for anything I do. I am a generally nice person who does good things, so my actions don’t warrant sorries.
So many people struggle with the words “I’m sorry.” I’ve never understood why people view it as a weakness.
Wonderful post, It is a great topic to cover. Sometimes it can be easy to apologize and other times it can be quite hard depending on what is going on.
I think we don’t like to look weak/wrong in front of the other person/admit we are wrong/they are right. But really, it takes a strong person to be able to own their mistakes, admit wrong, and seek out forgiveness
I believe apologizing makes us stronger and I agree with your lines.Thanks for writing about these types of things.This world really need writers like you!!!! Happy blogging!
I actually don’t find it hard to say sorry – if I am genuinely upset or regret something, then I will say I am sorry x
I always say sorry whether I am wrong or I am right.
I think pride really gets in the way where apologies are concerned. People feel stupid having to admit they’re wrong so, they just try to ignore it.
I find that the only time I really have trouble with saying I’m sorry is when I believe the other person should be apologizing too but that I’m working with someone who will not (often the narcissistic types). Not because I’m upset that I’m not getting an apology, but because I know those types use it as evidence of their superiority. Still, I do what I know is right and apologize. I just know that it will be more important then than ever to keep those people at a distance from me.
For me, it’s just hard to swallow my pride. I feel kind of stupid and I hate that lol
Ah! It’s not easy because of Ego. It takes lot courage, regret and sympathy!
Saying sorry does not make anyone smaller than the other person. I am always the one to say sorry when I do something wrong !
It i hard for many coz they are not trained to say sorry. They put pride first.
Saying you’re sorry makes you accountable for your actions. It also lets the other person know you care about their feelings as much as your own.
I think a lot of people have a hard time saying they are sorry because it means admitting you were wrong. But no ones perfect so apologies, like mistakes, are a part of life.
I totally understand the feeling of having difficulty saying sorry. But my husband basically REFUSES to say sorry — and that feels awful (also, he’s the (only and oldest child) son of a narcassist).
i think it’s also because Apologizing can make some people feel vulnerable, or feel like they are in danger of losing their power and status. But this is so wrong. Being apologetic in a way is a SUPERPOWER!
Some people having hard time to say it because of they are not brave enough to admit their fault, and always think of what others will say – thus afraid of losing face.
But most of the time, saying sorry and be man-up to admit it, is the best thing to do.
I don’t have any issue in saying sorry if I am wrong because I am agreed by your point that it makes us stronger rather weaker.
It is hard to apologise when it is not your fault.
Very insightful post. It takes a lot of courage to say sorry, but once you do it its so liberating.
It’s one of the hardest word to say when you totally knew you were really sorry to the person you did hurt.
Saying sorry shows a level of maturity and humility. Saying I’m sorry isn’t something I throw around lightly. If I feel deeply apologetic, then I say I’m sorry
This posts really was a great read. I’m one that says sorry entirely too much even when I was wrong. I just hate confrontation, but I’ve always been sitting around wondering why the other person couldn’t just find the will to apologize to me.
Apologizing is hard because it’s also admitting that you were wrong. Some people, no matter what, can’t concede that they’ve wronged a person. I often find that being the wronged one, I end up apologizing, letting the the other person off the hook.
It was really hard to admit that we are wrong. Even if we already know to ourselves that we’ve done something wrong, it is hard to swallow your pride and apologize.
This is such a wonderful post! I totally agree. Accepting that we did wrong is hard but is the right thing to do. In the end we will feel better as a person.
Candace Hampton
Sorry seems to be the hardest word I suppose, although I think if you are wrong, you must find a way to put it right.
I feel like the only reason my husband and I can work through years of marriage is that we are both willing to apologize. It makes all the difference!
This is a great post! Most of us like to be the recipient of a heartfelt apology, but giving is different from receiving. There are many reasons why saying “I’m sorry” is such a challenging endeavor. First of all, who likes to admit they’re wrong? It’s NOT fun!
It is so hard to apologize for something you did wrong. I have be honest, but I am one of those who find it difficult. I would rather show I am sorry through deed. Thank you for writing this post. It really made me think about changing that aspect of my life.
Great summarization as to why many people are adverse to apologizing. I have always taught my kids that it is better to apologize than to hide and avoid the issue or to lie about it.
When someone says “I’m sorry you feel that way” I feel like they are saying “oh well. Too bad. Suck it up and deal with it”.
I think I’m one of those people who has a hard time saying sorry. It’s the same with saying I love you for me.
This was a great topic, personally I find it hard to apologize, thinking to myself was I the one to blame for an argument or disagreement. This totally changed the way I look at it.
For many people seems to be hard to say sorry. For me apologise is not a big drama, everyone can do mistakes
This post was very insightful. Sorry is most certainly a difficult word to say for most people.
Apologizing is difficult for a lot of people. In my experience with watching others, it seems like it’s an issue of the ego getting in the way.
You know this is a very good question. Why is it so hard to say sorry? I think pride is the main culprit. Great discussion.
I think sometimes the ego gets in the way of trying to apologize. There are always excuses not to say I’m sorry but I think it’s a beautiful state to be in when you can and be vulnerable. Great post.
Great post, sorry doesn’t make you down but at same time it gives you peacefulness and courage to face life events.
Swallowing our pride can be a very tough thing to do. The release of an apology is much more worth it though.
Saying sorry is something I think many have a problem with, including me. I will apologize if I am wrong but it can be hard.
I think it’s just hard to admit when we are wrong in general. It hurts our pride!
I think apologizing and admitting your wrongs is a great stride in self awareness. Also, loved your comment about narcissits, dealing with on of those in my life right now and you’re not wrong!!
So many people struggle with saying they’re sorry. Then they have people that just say it without meaning it. I think it takes a strong person to say sorry and ask for forgiveness and mean it!
It takes a lot of humility to say sorry because of our ego. We need to be humble to acknowledge our faults.
Apologizing leaves a person in a state of vulnerability, and that’s a space many people don’t feel comfortable going to. Even I’ve struggled with saying sorry at times. It’s like I just don’t want to swallow my pride or like I’m admitting defeat. I tell you, I always feel like a better person when i do, though.
I’m so glad you address this subject because it is suc a delicate one. I am a person that always tries to recompose connection with people that hurts me, and I have ended up apologizin for things that’ve been done to me. My therapist and me are working on it, but it is a terrible thing to be hurt and carry with the guilt of it.
This was so beautifully written. I agree with you!
Such an important topic and great with all this background and thoughts. But could not agree more… saying I am sorry is daring and not making you weaker but stronger. The more you practice the better you will get at it!
Saying sorry is definitely a very hard thing to do especially when you wrongfully hurt someone. I do agree that it’s the only way to repair the connection. It used to be so hard for ne but now I am more than willing to admit mistakes.
The only reason that saying sorry becomes hard is because of pride. When you learn to let go of your pride, saying sorry actually becomes really easy. I wish a lot more people would read this and learn from it.
I agree with most of the things you have said in this post. Wonderful topic chosen and beautifully written.
Sometimes I want to make sincere apologize. But not all the times people would accept that. That makes feel bad. This sometimes leads to a less communication situation.
It is so important to be able to apologize. I truly believe it is something that must be learned from childhood.
It absolutely takes a strong person to admit when they were wrong and wronged someone. I see it in my children too that they have a hard time saying I’m sorry fo something as simple as bumping into someone. Why is it so difficult to admit a wrong?
I say sorry all the time.My friends get mad at me. I think its because I spent my whole life feeling like a burden or unwanted.
It’s all about working through the issues. A high school teacher always told me not to be sorry, but to be careful not to repeat the same mistakes.
Great post. Apologizing is not a easy thing to do but it makes us a better person when we do.
For me I know that I have a hard time saying it as well but I really do try to make amends and apologize.
Everyone makes mistakes but it’s very important to apologize as it helps the relationship to grow.
totally hman nature for sure! sorry is sometimes really hard to say especially when you feel like you don’t need to!
This is such an interesting post! Yes, I agree that apologizing doesn’t mean that we are weak. And I also agree that we need to mean it when we say sorry, instead of simply throwing such word to make us look/feel better. ~ Ola @ WanderWithOla
This is a good topic, always current. I totally enjoyed reading this article. For some people sorry is a difficult word to say but we should use it when it is necessary…. – Paolo
Great post. Saying sorry is so freeing! This was an interesting read
very heartfelt post. theres many reasons why people can find it so hard to be humble and apologize
I wish there were more people that could give an apology when wrong. I feel like people would prefer to let relationships die off instead of just apologizing. I find myself saying sorry when I know I never did anything wrong just to uphold the peace.
I am a typical Brit and apologise too much, but it is important that you say sorry when you are in the wrong
This was a really insightful post. I think a lot of people struggle to say sorry because it means they have to admit they are wrong – and many people don’t like to do that. I am one of those people who apologises too much though.
Same as the above poster, only Irish not British – we use the word sorry way too often. But you know when someone is saying a heartfelt apology as opposed to just using the word out of habit.
Important topic! It is important to apologize because of the benefits for both you and the person you are apologizing to. However, if you don’t believe you were wrong, it might be best to not give an insecure apology. People can tell and it can cause more problems.
Some people do think apologizing is weak but I totally thinks the opposite. You should face head on to any problems and move on. Great post!
Very good and well-written post on a very interesting topic. Thank you for sharing!
I love the closing remark on narcissists! lol! But yes, apologizing seems so hard at times… it’s an interesting concept… when really, it should be about making amends and feeling better in the process!
I think in general, it’s hard for most to apologize but in the end it’s the right thing to do when you’re in the wrong for sure. And same goes with the other party.
Very intresting post on a very important subject. We are thought that showing saddnes or saying sorry is a sign of weeknes. It is not. So we do need break that.