Where does Humanity Stand?

What is Racism?

It is a term given to a belief, belief in which a majority of people possessing similar traits of belief over the other group in regards of their appearances. These appearances can correspond to their caste, color, origin, gender etc. It is nothing new, and is as old as our calendar. Also, it is not safe to say that racism doesn’t exist in any certain part of the globe, it is just over the media in some countries. Countries like USA, Australia, India, UK etc are all in the news constantly for some or the other wrong reasons related to racism.

Racism on our planet:

We all know, in many parts of India, we still don’t promote girls and even kill girl child. India is not only racist in gender, but also in casteism, origin, creed and profession.

Nevertheless, I am sure, the Australian incident of racism is still not blurred from our memories. Yes, you are right, I am talking about the 2009 Melbourne and Sydney incident for which both Australian and Indian media publicised many reports of crimes against Indian students by locals. There were many protests too, regarding the same in Australia by both Indians and locals. According to a report submitted to Indian Parliament by Indian overseas ministry in 2010 stated for 152 attacks.

Australia is also famous for most common racism in the world, skin color. An article was published by “The Guardian” titled “It’s black and white: racism in Australia is common and accepted”.


Let’s talk about a recent incident, that happened in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; “Death George Floyd”. George was a 46yrs old African American, held by a white cop (Derek Chauvin) who pressed knee on George’s neck for about 9 minutes, causing him to suffer and die. While the cop was kneeing his neck, George was handcuffed and and faced down the street. Floyd straight went into cardiac arrest and declared dead by the nearby hospital. There were other officers too, present at the scene but just preventing the crowd from intervening. According to the cops, Floyd resisted the arrest but the cctv footage at the market falsified the police’s claims. Although there’s much more to this story, but we can’t deny the racism involved in it.




“The Guardian” in an article “The racism that killed George Floyd was built in Britain” enlightened on the incident on several more similar incidents of past in US, UK and Australia. There have been a “Black Lives Matter” protest in London on June 3, alarmed by the May 25th incident of George Floyd in USA. “Black Lives Matter”, what started as a protest is now a movement, garnering support from all over the world with people donating to anti-racism charities and bail-funds for people arrested in this protest, also signing petitions world-wide to bring guilty (racist) cops to justice. “The Independent” even published an article “BLACK LIVES MATTER: 10 ANTI-RACISM CHARITIES IN THE UK YOU CAN DONATE TO”, highlighting 10 anti-racism charities in UK, working and helping collecting donations from supporters for the bail fund of arrested protesters in UK.

We have seen renowned sports person and celebrities coming out and offer their thoughts on the incident and support for the support of the black man who was killed in police custody. Thierry Henry, a legendary footballer of France and Arsenal, Michael Jordan (Basketball legend) and Lewis Hamilton (current F1 Champion) came out on twitter in support of George and tweeted against such racism.

“We do urgently need change, we demand change and most importantly, we deserve change. Make it happen, now. Enough is enough,” Henry.

Henry further tweeted “Why is this still happening in 2020? Why do the same racists applaud any ethnic minority who plays for the team they support but abuse the same minorities on the street?”





This is not the only reported racism incident of USA in recent times, there were a few more from the corona virus pandemic where white people were given more importance over black or asian ethnicity in admissions in hospitals or for treatments by doctors. I remember the issue came to light in world news when USCIRF demoted India to lowest rank of CPC with China, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria( etc. USCIRF is *U.S Commission on International Religious Freedom and CPC is Countries of Particular Concern. I still remember the interviews of Afro-Americans outside hospitals, denied admissions over white people for medical attention and to cover up US downgrades India to lowest ranks of world religious freedom index. But as they say, Karma hits back, and it did. Just in a month’s time, US once again reported an incident, questioning their own rank in USCIRF. The report is available for everyone online, with one years incidents, backgrounds, findings, violence, harassments, witnesses, policies, view points etc on such matters for each country in the lowest two ranks and without any surprise, US is not even in the list with so many reported incidents while UK was just a mention for minor incidents.


The overall point is Racism was always there, throughout the centuries and now it is high time. We should not forget about all these and We should all stand together





This article was contributed by Prakhar Kasera, owner of Eight bit journey and the last paragraph was added by me.

Picture courtesy: The Quint, Unsplash and Twitter

90 thoughts on “Where does Humanity Stand?”

  1. Such an important topic, and right on point. It broke my heart that racism is still present in our world. Hopefully, things will change for good this time. Every day, I am moving forward and take action. This is the only way we can end racism. By taking action, even the smallest.

  2. Thank you for writing this post and for raising more awareness. There are so many emotions right now along with a global pandemic. We all need to do better and be better.

  3. The entire situation with George Floyd is heartbreaking but I feel like everything is a choice. A choice to treat people with kindness. A choice to riot or protest. It’s up to each of us as individuals to make better choices to have a better world.

    1. You are so right about this but what does equality mean? It means different things to different people.

  4. Very relevant and necessary to be speaking up, condemning the racial injustices that are happening right now.

  5. Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    I also have the same questions in my mind. Why are things like this still happening in this modern world? I cannot understand how some people can judge others based on skin color or race. Thanks for sharing your article. I will share with friends.

  6. There’s a lot of work to be done in the United States for certain. I’m hoping I’ll see meaningful legislation regarding police reform soon.

  7. Steven Morrissette

    Racism is not new and it hasn’t been close to disappearing. The fact that not even a hundred years ago black people were looked down upon and were considered inferior to white people. It hasn’t left lots of people’s ideology. To quote Arthur C. Clarke “There were some things that only time could cure. Evil men could be destroyed, but nothing could be done with good men who were deluded.” That is so true and I think that as time goes we will be heading more and more on the right track.

  8. This is a very timely article to read and it’s definitely gives an awareness for everyone about the effect of racism or being a racist. Until now, I am still surprise that after so many years racism is still exist.

  9. These are crazy times….you are right racism has been around for years and now the spotlight is very much on it, hopefully it will be eradicated once and for all.

  10. We are all one in the sight of God, God knows why he created us the way we are, racism is not the way to go, especially if we truly believe in God and his commandment, ‘Love’ was emphasized in the commandments. We all originated from one source.

  11. It’s definitely a sad time right now and this moment that should be about unity seems to only be furthering the divide. Social media is a very toxic culture, but speaking out against the injustices in the world is necessary.

  12. This is definitely a serious matter that everybody on this world should attend to and think of a better way to stop this act of racism.

  13. That’s a very important post. I don’t know when racism will stop. What’s happening all over is not accepted.

  14. Celebrate Woman Today

    We do learn the attitudes and relations within our families.
    Family is the initial, the very first step with which a change can occur.
    Love begins within the family. It can outgrow the family boundaries and blossom out. Same goes with hatred or any other feeling, principle, attitude.
    George Floyd has become that spark signaling that it’s the Time and Season to demand Justices towards any Human Being.
    This is a spark that has signaled the entire world that we need each other to live the lives that of Love, of Creativity, of Compassion.

    1. Purtroppo il razzismo è una vera piaga sociale in Italia come in tutto il mondo… speriamo di riuscire a debellarla presto!

  15. Unfortunately, racism is prevalent up until today. Asians are discriminated, too, which is a sad fact. I hope someday, my kids will wake up to a world filled with acceptance and compassion.

  16. I think racism will never end as long as we cultivate a culture of hate towards those that are different from us. As long as there are people who think that they are superior over others, racism will always be there.

  17. We should start to educate the young and treat everyone equally. It is just so unfair especially due to skin color. I just don’t understand why it is still happening and it happened again.

  18. blair villanueva

    Racism happens everywhere even inside a family’s home. As long as humans are thought to think indifferent to others, that thought will evolve to racism… and violence.

  19. I like how you connect the dots and provide a backdrop to George Floyd by using the oppression faced in India.

  20. Melanie williams

    This is such a good piece. We are living in such sad times at the moment for sure and I can’t believe the things that do happen actually do it is awful x

  21. It doesn’t get easier day by day to swallow the racist attacks against people of color and minorities. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

  22. Dan "Jay" Reyes

    Racism is not good and never will. Almighty God (Yahweh) doesn’t discriminate peoples. We must all spread goodness, kindness, love, and peace to this world!

  23. This is such a strange and horrifying time we are living in at the moment. Things really need to change, racism is something learned and not something people are born with. We must educate and fight tirelessly for all this brutality, racism and oppression to come to an end!

  24. I can’t believe these things are happening in 2020! I don’t know when people will understand that we are all different shades of the same color. Thanks for raising awareness about this issue and writing this article. Great read!

  25. Thank you for contributing to the cause to end racism. If each one of us does our part it can start to become a more just society for everyone no matter what they look like.

  26. I get where you are coming from but saying all lives matter is disingenuous. If all lives mattered, we wouldn’t still be fighting about it, would we? It’s important to not take away the relevance of the fact that people actually had to SAY black lives matter because the sad truth in America is that they have been pushed down for too long, much more than any other race. Enough is enough!

  27. This was such a terrible tragedy that happened here in the US and happens more frequently than those might think. This time, the cops were actually caught! I am hopeful that things will now change for the better and people will now open their eyes.

  28. I think what has happened has definitely gotten us all thinking. So important to remember to fight for what we believe in right now.

  29. Though this is a great article, I really feel that this conversation should not die down. Ever! We have seen discrimination in terms of caste, color and religion. It’s time we learn to unlearn these discriminations and educate ourselves and the next generation about equality!

  30. something very important to think about it. we are the same people!!!. “I hate racism, because I see it as something barbaric, whether it comes from a black man or a white man”.-Nelson Mandela-

  31. Thank you for spreading awareness through your post, I agree that racism should disappear in every place and that we must learn about the importance of being just and fair.

  32. Color does matter and Foundational Black Americans want the brutality to stop and to be given the reparations that we are owed for building this country and the option to separate because they have been treating us this way for 465+ years with slavery and oppression.

  33. You know what, it actually does not happen until we become used to on how the world works.. meaning it is an outside factor for me so its always a choice to do it. Hopefully it lessens as time goes by.

  34. I am proud of you for speaking out. I hope we do better in the future, for us and for future generations. The change starts with us.

  35. Il razzismo é un male diffuso in tutto il mondo e che va combattuto, per rendere il mondo un posto migliore per tutti

  36. I love how many of us have come together to speak out against racism. Change is needed and the more education and conversations the better.

  37. It is hard to process what is going on because it just saddens me that there is so much hate and violence towards people around the world due to their skin color. We should respect and love equally.

  38. Racism is the oldest deceased that haven’t been eradicated and we have to step up. We have to start educating ourselves and be more kind to people.We are all children of the same God and the same universe we are brothers and sisters.

  39. There is no denying that racism is still VERY prevalent in our society despite the fact that we so often like to claim that we’re taking great strides towards equality. The recent incidents (and there are many more than are even making the mainstream media) are clear proof of this. We need to speak up, declare that black lives matter and stand by their side. While I will never understand what they are living through in our society (I can’t understand as a white woman in Canada), I do empathize and want to see change finally happen!

  40. lucia di tommaso

    I believe that despite the fact that we are in 2020 there is still too much racism around, it is not possible that we judge only by skin color or because we are from another country. As I always say, a book is not judged by the cover

  41. Racism is an old plague for mankind… open mind and concrete actions can help to keep balance, but it’s a question of choice. What people decide to do and how to live are choices. Peace and equality are choices.

  42. amalia occhiati

    very interesting article. Unfortunatelyracism is a very current theme, there is still the idea f color difference

  43. I’m gonna say something that is probably an unpopular opinion nowadays. The movement is called “Black Lives Matter” and not “All lives matter” cause of reasons. The struggle black people faced and are still facing can’t be put on the same level of other races.

    On the other hand if we’re talking about racism in general, than yes, all lives should matter but things won’t change because we put down statues or we censure movies and books. We need to accept the past and work for a better future.

  44. Il fatto è grave e lo sappiamo tutti, però il razzismo è sempre esistito e ci sarà sempre. Non è questione di pelle, ma di educazione, cultura, civiltà e abitudine. Se tuo padre o tua madre parla male del vicino pakistano, marocchino o cinese, sarai portato ad avere diffidenza. E ci sono troppe differenze di vita sociale tra alcune religioni e la nostra. C’è razzismo tra nord e sud Italia, non vedi? E se l’economia peggiora ci sarà sempre più razzismo.

  45. Purtroppo mia cara non è ne il primo ne l’ultimo….. l’umanità non esiste più, non i soo valori e dopo questo periodo che abbiamo attraversato la gente è ancora più cattiva

  46. This is really a great article to read and worth sharing. Racism is always there and we can’t stop it from happening. We all need to do is to stand together and let our voices be heared.

  47. It all boils down to perception. Until we see ourselves as souls instead of colours , there will be no change. Until we learn to genuinely love our neighbours, we cannot love God.

  48. Though the BLM movement appeared on our TV screens for a couple of weeks and got people talking, it can’t just stop there. We truly need to change as a society and completely alter the way that the world thinks, as a collective.

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