Mili isn’t only my co-writer but she had been a very long term ally. When we talk about mental health, as a mental health counselor all I’ll say is there’s still so much left to uncover about the term depression.
So, coming to the point, behind the stage I sat with her some days back and we really had a heart-felt discussion and she told me how while having a general conversation with a stranger she had a realization.
You can say it was an accident, that, I suddenly met someone on Instagram, whose life journey, or
say his healing journey was something related to me, and when he reached me to respond to my
status story, everything became spontaneous. It was really easy and quite exciting to talk with him.
Before this, I never talked about my depression or about my coping process. So, I talked to him and
everything became easy.
I wanted to hide always, but I became a blogger. That’s a fun part of my life. That is a juxtaposed
reality of my life. How I became a blogger and influencer. I have never planned, my life neither was
I can’t write about my feelings, but I can write about how it feels to feel less, it’s like floating in a
gravity-less space station, you can see everything but you are detached, you don’t feel gravity, you
are floating in a universe like an object, without any attachments, like an asteroid. I think I was
always in this depression, always feeling – “feeling less”, to be honest, if I look back, I can’t
remember if I was anything better than this, I am always a void place in my own life, and it doesn’t
make scared or numb or anything I have read about depression. That’s why I never realized I was in
Well, all I’ll say is: Sometimes, the right conversation can be the mirror you never knew you needed, reflecting truths about yourself that were hidden in plain sight.