The Three Musketeers

This post is completely different from all my other posts till date, if you have been following me for some time, you might have noticed that I generally don’t post about myself or my personal life or my personal friends, this time its going to be different. In this post, I am going to tell you about Three Musketeers of my life, three people, whom I met in this blogger world but who are now a big part of my life. These are the people who are staying far away from me but they are always there for me whenever I need them. This post is dedicated to them.

My First Musketeer, “P”, my close friend, is such a lovely woman, she always checks up on me, makes sure that I am doing well, and if something isn’t right with me, I don’t need to ask her twice, she will always be there for me. Other then being my friend, as I told earlier, she is also a full-time blogger, she has two cutest kids, and she maintains everything, like everything, she is a Superwoman. She is so passionate about well-being of her kids and other kids that you will know everything you need to grow your own kids.
Like most of us, she also loves to read in her free time, her favourite book is ‘The Color Purple’ by Alice Walker. Let me tell you something about this book, this book weaves an intricate mosaic of women joined by their love for each other, the men who abuse them, and the children they care for. In the first few letters, Celie tells God that she has been raped by her father and that she is pregnant for the second time with his child. Later on…..

No, I am not telling you the complete story, it will just ruin a very good book for you. But I was talking about “P”, while reading the book, she loves to listen to one particular song, “No Woman No Cry by Lauryn Hill, see, she is different from others, maybe that’s why she is my close friend. She blogs as

My second musketeer, “Salona”, what to say about her, she is just a perfect sister I could ever have, no, she is not my sister, but she is everything I can expect from a sister. She checks up on me. She always encourages me to write and I always look up to her whenever I am stuck at some point of life, considering that she herself is such a talented person, she is so spiritual person, whenever I feel low, I just need to talk to her and she will fill me with positivity. She writes about motivations, about the things that we generally overlook in our day to day life. Her favourite book is The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle. A book which is a spiritual self-help guide to help us discover our true Being, release our pain and find deep inner peace, this is such a relaxing book. While reading books, she loves to listen “The Power of Mozart”, western classical music which fills you with positiveness all over, no matter how much negative you feel, the combination of this book with this song, it will give you a peace of mind. Anyway, back to “Salona“, she is such a positive person, at times, just talking to her calms my storms down. She manages

My third musketeer, “David”, he is the person with whom I can share my feelings, he is an extremely close friend of mine, if life is giving lemons, he will make lemonade with it and give that to me because I am thirsty. In short he is a sweetheart. He is like an editor of my posts (except this), he proofreads most of my posts and makes sure that I don’t do silly mistakes, which I usually do a lot. He keeps an eye out for me when I am too ignorant to do so. He has a very lovely daughter, and he is a single dad. He generally writes about………… Well he generally writes about everything. He is a great guy. His favourite book is “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas. The story takes place in France, Italy, and islands in the Mediterranean during the historical events of 1815–1839: the era of the Bourbon Restoration through the reign of Louis-Philippe of France. It begins just before the Hundred Day’s period (when Napoleon returned to power after his exile). It centres on a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune, and sets about exacting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. His plans have devastating consequences for both the innocent and the guilty, while reading this adventurous fiction, this guy loves to listen to “The Lost Ark”, the relaxing instrumental music.
Back to “David“, he is a caring person, especially in the recent times, he has helped me a lot in getting better from the situation I was in. He manages

What situation I was in, will tell you that story, maybe someday.
This post I dedicate to my three musketeers, without whom, I might not be here in this blogging world at this place sharing my thoughts with you all my lovely readers.

I hope you enjoyed reading it..

See you again next week. Take care…

Due to personal reasons I didn’t use real pictures.

Article and art copyight:

236 thoughts on “The Three Musketeers”

  1. I have never been so touched by a piece of writing! I was in tears reading this! You’re so selfless and caring! I’m truly glad to have met you on my journey! Thousands of miles apart but yet so close! THANK YOU!

  2. I love that you are posting about your blogging friends. It’s these type of friends that keep us going from day to day. You are truly lucky to have them in your life.

  3. It is so beautiful that you took time to mention the three people in your life who you truly rely on. We all need at least one person and for you to have three, you’re truly blessed!

  4. What a lovely and genuine post. It takes a lot of courage to write something so personal and real. A real pleasure to read and get to know you.

  5. Blogging seems like a casual fun for a lot of people but on a bright side we get to meet a lot of people and invariably end up making friends. We can also count some of our best friends from the blogosphere.

  6. At first from the title ” the 3 musketers” i was hoping the see another version of the movie until i read through. This is definitely a great post and kind of you to even remember and appreciate this 3 people who impacted your life in the blogging world. I love it when i see a post like this.

  7. Really want to read the favorite book of your first musketeers! It sounds very promising and as a close person to you must have very nice personality so this book must be lovely

  8. This is such a nice post, we all have three musketeers in our own life, and it would be nice to acknowledge them in a way you did. You are lucky to have these people in your life.

  9. You are so lucky to have found three musketeers in your life. I hope they will be with you forever and support everything you do and same goes to you. Such lovely people are not easy to find and I always believe friendship is both ways.

  10. Oh wow what an amazing blog post. Well written as well. I too have met a friend through blogging sometime last year and till today we are still close, digitally of cause but the friendship is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  11. What a lovely piece of writing, and such a nice way to show them how you feel. They sound like great people to have in your life for sure!

    Jackie (Organised Mum Life)

  12. This is such a sweet and loving tribute to your friends. I also love how included their favorite reads because it gives us an even better idea of who they are based on what interests them. So lovely.

  13. That is so great to have such kind, sweet people in your life and to be able to share this with them. I love this post and the thanks you give to those in your life. I have one most important musketeer, and I married him!!!

  14. Jennifer Prince

    Ah! I need to have better friendships in my life. I feel like I’m at a place where I am not having the friendships I need. I’m envious of you!

  15. Wow how special to have a tribe of close friends like that. Those relationships mean everything in life to get you through. I’m sure the feelings are reciprocated to have you in their lives.

  16. Geraline Batarra

    I really enjoyed reading your beautiful post and it makes me a bit of emotional and I am glad that you have them in your life.

    1. I agree. Our posse matters a lot. I have a group of friends that I call sisters, and one in particular who is ALWAYS there for me and mine. It’s a gift.

  17. They are really kind and thoughful. Ms. P is interesting, just like the book she loves. I would love to hear the whole story.

  18. Wow! I feel you and this is such a heartwarming post to your three musketeers. Loved this kind of post wherein we appreciate people that are around us and contributing to our well-being.

  19. I enjoyed reading this. It takes a lot of boldness to get personal in blog posts (I am yet to try that). Thanks for sharing this. It makes your audience more connected with you!

  20. Geraline Batarra

    This is such a great post and really enjoy reading this. I am glad that you have your friends with you all the time and every time you need. They are really a great friends that will keep forever.

  21. It’s such a blessing to have such wonderful people in your life, and to give them a shout out and showcase how much you appreciate them is something we should all do for those people who kick butt in our lives – just to remind them that they are so important!

  22. What a lovely tribute to your three musketeers! This was such a heartfelt post and I am sure your loved ones will truly be thankful that you chose to highlight how much they mean to you like this.

  23. I am happy you found true friends. That is a rarity nowadays! Like you, I have met 4 wonderful women through blogging and we are still in contact with each other – supporting, caring, and sharing a part of our lives, even only through digital means.

  24. This is such a heart warming post about your relationship with the other two musketeers. I am glad you took time to write it and share. Their comments (the top two?) are awesome too!

  25. You got me all up in my feelings with this post, but in a good way (-_-). I love how passionate you spoke about your friends and what they meant to you. Genuine friendship is hard to come by these days. I hope they feel the same way. Thanks for letting us into your world.

  26. Wow, thank you for sharing. It sounds like you have some great friends and support in your life. Good friends are hard to find so cherish them always!

  27. What a sweet dedication post to your blogger besties. In this blogger world its great to have friends to relate to you because the rest of the world sometimes do not understand at all.

  28. What a tribute to your friends! We all need those close relationships, even if it is through a computer screen. People to inspire and encourage are so needed and valuable. Bravo!

  29. Thank you for sharing! I think it’s very rare nowadays to show how much we appreciate certain people in a public forum such as this. It’s a great reminder that encouraging one another can go a long way.

  30. I have a ‘sister’ who is not really a sister too. It’s nice to have that person to watch your back and check in on you, I know. 🙂

  31. It sounds like you have some very special people in your life. How beautiful to blog about it and to let them know. We should all express ourselves a little more like this.

  32. Awww…. what a sweet story, I’m in tears while I was reading this. I can definitely feel the love between you guys. Love it! Thanks for sharing your wonderful story.

  33. Wow this a such an amazing heartfelt story honestly you have beautiful super heroes in your life , I mean your best friend is really a woman of strength.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  34. This is such a sweet tribute to your friends! Sounds like a unique bunch you have and are lucky to be surrounded by!

  35. Together you must make the Awesome Fours. Really it was nice to hear of such close bonding. It reminds me of my school days. You are lucky. I am jealous now… 🙂

  36. This is really beautiful, and I am getting emotional just reading it. I used to think I had friends who were this close but turned out to be the total opposite. Treasure them because friends like these are hard to come by.

  37. I liked the way you connected the important people in your life with their favourite books, how they feature in your life and your blogging journey.
    – Nandita

  38. Good for you that you have found your support group! Wow you are very secretive. That’s also good. The internet can be pretty difficult sometimes and we need to protect our privacy.

  39. Catherine Santiago Jose

    This is such a great article to read and I am so glad that you have friends that will always there with you everytime you need them from thick and thin.

  40. It’s so cool that you have made these deep connections! I have made a few friends blogging who I have never actually met in person and I like to think they have become great friends! I talk to them almost more than my real life friends!

  41. This is so heartwarming story. Wish I had friends like them. It’s really hard to find people like that in today’s world who genuinely care about you and your success. You are lucky to have such people in your life.

  42. Glad to know about your 3 musketeers. I’ve only been to David’s blog and fond of his stories about his daughter, fake news series and everything that he shares.

  43. Sudipta Dev Chakraborti

    This is a lovely post. Thank you for sharing the amazing story of your treasured relationships. Enjoyed reading.

  44. I really enjoyed reading this article. I am so happy because you are so lucky having your friends with you everytime you need them, you need to keep them forever.

  45. Friends like these add a new level of richness to life. You are very lucky to have these friends in your life. Treasure them.

  46. There are people that we meet along the way unexpectedly who will one day touch our lives. It’s either we’d be friends with them or they become our inspiration.

  47. It is nice that you becane friends with good people who always keep an eye on you. May your friendship becomes stronger.

  48. Sue-Tanya Mchorgh

    You are so good with your words. You’re so REAL. I am glad they have impacted you in such a good way.

  49. It’s great to have friends in the blogging world! I’ve got only one so far, but I’m quite new to blogging. It’s great you’ve got someone you can depend on and you can turn to in difficult moments. 🙂

  50. Blogging friends have such a huge impact on us. I didn’t realize it myself until I started blogging. This was a beautiful way to how them ho much they mean to you.

  51. This is such a lovely post. It’s Sounds like you have a very special bond with your three friends. I can relate – I have two friends and we too call ourselves the Three Musketeers.

  52. Sounds like you have some truly wonderful people in your life <3 Good friends are so hard to find and so, so valuable.

  53. What a lovely tribute to your blogger friends! That’s true, real blogging brings people together and can be the beginning of great friendship!

  54. Close friends are the best. I have met so many through blogging. These sounds like wonderful women! I also love instrumental relaxing music! Cherish those friendships!

  55. awww, its really nice to see friends like this. I really wish i had like yours whom i can go to the extend of writting about their awesomeness. Really nice to read

  56. Neil Alvin Nicerio

    I would love to have a P in my love.I think people who try to find time to check up on you are the best ones around.

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  58. This is really an emotional post. I too had/have friends, cannot tell the difference any more. They were not the person which I thought they would be. At haunted times, but they were not there. So it is seriously great, that you have your friends who helps you throughout life.

  59. This is seriously a heartfelt story. Really friends are something who will help you, especially true friends or in your case true musketter or musketters. They are the one who make us feel safe.

  60. Lovely and inspiring too, those graphics that you used are also very pretty. No need to use photography when you have access to nice pieces of art so describe your musketeers we all have our own people and heroes that help us through life.

  61. I loved everything about this post. It was so sweet the way you described all of your musketeers. It’s clear that they have all had a tremendous impact in your life!

  62. I adore this post! It’s incredible how you can find a family of friends from all around through blogging, I absolutely love the friendships that come from the blogging world.

  63. This blogging world is really beautiful. So good to know about your three friends from this world. The books are amazing as I have read The Count of Monte Cristo during my school days. Lovely article.

  64. We all need support for our personal and professional lives. And you are very blessed to have made friends that are bloggers as well. I think you have your support system covered. Because it is good to have friends you can count on in the real and virtual worlds.

  65. I think it’s so important to have a support system in our lives and you’re really lucky to have made friends that are bloggers as well. All of my support system is friends I’ve had since high school.

  66. This is such a beautiful and touching tribute to your three musketeers. You are blessed to have such caring and generous friends who you can rely on to be there for you whenever you need them.

  67. I’m with him, I love Monte Cristo! I didn’t read it until I was grown, but as soon as I did, I wished I had read it sooner!

  68. I think it’s so awesome that you have made some amazing friends through blogging. It’s so important to have people in your life that help encourage you to do your best.

  69. Beautiful expression..touching the right chords…the three musketeers everyone has in life but some fail to realise the blessings .
    God bless

  70. It’s inspiring to be friended with good people. Someone who looks after you and guide you in your journey. May your friendship last a lifetime.

  71. What a beautiful and well-written post. I think you’ve outlined everything perfectly in reference to these amazing people in your life. I don’t have any musketeers in my life like this but need to work on that.

  72. I haven’t been reading a lot lately but meaning to pick up something similar. Going to write down the name to take to book store.

  73. What a sweet tribute to your friends! It’s wonderful to take time to appreciate the people who support and love us.

  74. It’s important to have a support system. It’s good to see you have found your rock solid friends and its so sweet that you dedicate this post to them.

  75. Very thoughtful post, we all have our own musketeers around and how you have described each one is really beautiful.

  76. This is so beautiful. I feel very similar about the women I have met on my journey, this really is a wonderful tribute, you sound very blessed.

  77. It really is such a beautiful post here. You have been here for me, and inspired me to look at things in beautiful ways. It has been an honor to be an inspiration and thank you for inspiring me as well.

  78. I like how you chose to write about your friends through their favorite books. It’s also very nice that you publicly acknowledge how important these three friends are in your life, I am sure they feel so flattered about this post.

  79. I cannot tell you how important my online friends and community have been for me these past 5 years. Currently I am going through something right now and I will tell you these people have been my rocks and have helped build me up when I was at my lowest. Without them, I would be lost. There are never enough great people in our lives when tough times happen. So glad you have yours!

  80. I love how you took the time to mention three of the people who mean the most to you. I’m sure that when they read this they were very touched for being mentioned.

  81. wow i am so touched be this article and the spontaneous flow of powerful emotions this article really blessed me thanks a lot

  82. This is a very heartfelt post. I think that everyone needs at least one special person in their life. It is refreshing to read that you have three special people in your life.

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