It has been a whole week since I have been away from blogging. But finally I am back that too with an Interview with a lovely lady from Bogota, Colombia. Her name is Jennifer Andrea Castillo Lopez and she is a purse/handbag designer.. Isn’t it wonderful? So Lets move on to the interview…
Me: Hey Jen I would directly jump on to my first question which is, When did you realize that you wanted to pursue a career in handbag and purse designing?
Jen: I always wanted to do something different since my childhood. During my time years, I started making bags as a hobby. I wanted to pursue a career in bags soon after that.
Me: That is great. Moving on to the second question. What college did you attend and what did you study?
Jen: Although I wanted to pursue my career in handbag designing, I wasn’t sure about that. So I decided to study publishing designer. Later on, I changed my path and came back to purse and handbag designing, so I didn’t study how to make purses and learnt it with time and practice.
Me: That sounds interesting so Jen when did you sell your first purse, how was the buyer’s reaction to your work?
Jen: As I told you earlier, I used to make purses when I was a teenager, I used to sell them to my friends. They encouraged me to make and sell purses and other handicrafts.
Me: We all know that this is a vast industry now.. So who have been your biggest mentors in this industry and what is the best lesson they have ever given you?
Jen: This may sound a little weird, but an ex-boyfriend was my best mentor. We loved travelling around the country and with him, I discovered a new way to win. With him, I had a friend that taught me to find cute materials. He always encouraged me to follow my dreams.
Me: What was your first job out of college?
Jen: My first job was about handicrafts after that I decided to study publishing designer.
Me: What was the biggest rookie mistake you made when just starting out?
Jen: When I started making purses, I had an urge to earn lots of money which made me make bad purses. They would break and wear out easily. I guess that was my first mistake and first lesson, I wasn’t satisfied with what I was doing. I had to improve myself.
Me: What is your favourite part about being a purse/handbag designer?
Jen: My favourite part is when someone love my job, my style, the color, the design, or simply when the client is happy with the work I did.
Me: If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be?
Jen: If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to believe in what I love. When I had to decide a career path, I wasn’t confident enough about studying purse designing. I didn’t study anything about the topic I love but ended up choosing another career.
Me: This is going to be the very last question Jen. The fashion industry has changed so much in the past few years, what’s the best advice you would give for staying ahead of the curve?
Jen My advice would be look the women need. Look around, you will find enough ideas to work on. That’s how I learnt.
Me: Thank you Jennifer.

Well, that was an interesting interview.. I would love to know your views in the comments… See you soon..
Interesting post. The part where she talks about the importance of finding a career you love really resonated.
Handbags or purse designing is lovely art .
Fashion industry is one of the fastest growing industry all over the world.This real life interaction with a lady who is a part of this industry is really interesting read.Her experience will definitely guide the young entrepreneurs
Enjoyed interview with Jennifer wonderful purse designer from Bogota. As displayed here, these purses are uniquely designed.
Great interview! Definitely inspiration comes from looking around and fashion should be made to suit needs, totally agree 🙂
What an amazing interview. I love reading interviews about what people do and how they got into what they are doing. Jennifer sounds wonderful and the purses are pretty that are pictured here!
Doing something for the passion and sheer love of doing it, pays off eventually. The purses look interesting.
These are such cute purses! I think my teen would love the owl one. I’m glad Jen followed her passion of designing.
I love how she started out as just a teen, as a hobby. It’s so true what they say about choosing a career you really love and you’ll never “work” a day in your life!
Beautiful interview..
Enjoyed reading it… see chat beautiful lessons ..the biggest mistake most business people do early in career …sacrificing quality for quantity to make fast money…love what you do..
Thank you Monidipa .God bless you
Following the “sensible” path instead of your dreams is a pretty common thing. But the world needs more people willing to take that a risk. Interesting post
This is such an interesting and encouraging interview. I love one of her last statements: “If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to believe in what I love.” Lots of people do not have courage to pursue their dreams but this lady was brave enough to change path to do what she loves to do, and she made it!
What a wonderful interview!! It is so interesting to hear how people end up in the career they are in and the unique path that got them there! I loved this journey.
How fun that she makes these purses. I love that it was her ex who encouraged her and she’s still saying positive things about him! So cool.
Wonderful sharing! Thank you very much for this amazing article. What a good post and I love those handbags 🙂
Always a learning experience to read about someone who had made something of her own. I love how people learn along their journey of pursuing their passion. Thank you for sharing.
This is a very unique article. Good job!
I like the bag with the big eyes. I’m sure my preschool students will swarm me with questions if I use that in school. 🙂 Great interview!
Great interview with Jen and you have asked brilliant questions which I make me to have an indepth understanding of background of the artist. Love the color of the bag and the print too.
This is an inspiring interview. I love how she’s open about her mistake of wanting to earn more money than focusing on the quality of her work.
Love the advice of follow what you love – so much easier looking back in hindsight! Great interview.
I like the purse in the picture =D Lovely to read an interview with her
This was such a fabulous interview. I’m a fan of her designs. I like the one with a face!
Seems like a fun interview, always interesting to see how other people’s paths were made. Making something out of yourself in the fashion world is really hard. Hoping Jen will continue with what she loves and wishes her all the best. I really like the designs of hers you are showing here in this post, they really unique and stand out!
I adore how colorful and fun her designs are! Definitely eye catching! Great interview!
What a great interview. Finding your passion is really important. She is really inspiring with her works. it was so amazing.
Those designs are so fun! It is so nice to find something you love doing and make a career out of it.
I love the monster purse. It’s really creative! I need one of those in my life!
Welcome back into the blogging world! Breaks are always a good idea! Such a lovely interview! Loving that furry bag! it is so pretty!
The designs here are great. I also love the advice about looking at the women around you for inspiration.
I like how she used her experience to value quality over quantity and produces long wearing products she can be proud of. I think many creative people choose a field of study that they think is more suitable over their passion, and eventually come back to their passion because it is a fire burning in their soul.
What a great interview. She has some great designs I could see myself using them.
It sounds like Jen had a passion for making things from a young age. It’s interesting to read about how she started off on this path as a bag designer.
I feel like I have heard Jen’s story from a lot of artists. They don’t stay true to themselves and their aesthetic at first for financial or other reasons and it affects their work negatively!
Very inspiring interview! It’s great to know about the journey of people who follow their passions. I like those creative and colourful purses she designed.
I love her use of bold colors! How fun to get to hear about the process straight from the designer herself!
living your passion is important to our souls… design and purses are a great route, how fun!
love the interview ; )
Designing handbags and purses seem like a great passion project, a creative outlet, and a fun side business. I’m glad she found her niche.
Sounds like Jen has found a career she loves. I like her designs.
How cute and fun are these bags by jen. I love that she always knew that she wanted to do something different from a young age, it has certainly paid off.
Such an informative interview. I always love hearing the designers perspective. The owl bag is adorable!
I love the picture of Purse . This interview is so much fun to read. Fashion world is full of competition and here making a place is really commendable.
WOW! I’ve always wished I was as creative! But anyway, her purses are so great; I particularly love the grey fur cat nag. Looks so pretty!
What a different career path to choose even though she clearly had an interest in making handbags when she was very, very young! I liked the lesson of making a higher quality handbag versus churning out something quickly for a buck. I’d rather pay a little more for something of substance than a little for something that will come apart in my hands.
when your hobby turns out into your career it is the best feeling ever . Glad to read this story. Lovely designs
This is a business field that never dies. The purse is always identical to women and every woman always likes it. Very inspiring..
She has a very unique style! Interesting interview
Great interview! It’s always nice to enjoy what you do, Awesome that she started out at a young age
Love the eyes on the bag! haha Just keep doing what you are doing.
What an interesting interview. I enjoyed reading about this purse designer. Good you met a fashion designer.
Thanks for stopping by.vendor information pages
Gosh, Jen is very talented… I loved those purses.. <3
Those are some pretty cool purse designs. I can imagine the pressure to make money can make you want to cut corners in many ways. Good things take time in all aspects of life it would seem. Fun and interesting interview.
What a cool post! I love reading interviews, it really allows me to get a in-depth understanding of something I once knew about. ANyone who knows me, knows I love a good interview. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
She has some great designed bags. She is an inspiration to new entrepreneurs. It’s always best to choose a career of what you love to do. Nothing can beat this amazing feeling!
There is so much that goes into making a good handbag. And I can appreciate it because I love them. It’s my one fashion addiction I will probably never let go.
A week away from blogging? If I take a couple days I feel like I am letting my blogs down. I love your interviews. I also love that you interview real people.
I love my purses (I only buy Balenciaga)… But I actually never think about the designing process! Ugh, I need to not take my favorite handbags for granted!
Good interview. And the purses are cute!
Purse designing is truly an art. I’ve always wanted to learn to paint. But sometimes in life, we end up doing something else due to or in part, on our circumstances.
I love all these quirky designs! It sounds like it was a fun interview. It’s always interesting to see a different perspective like this.
that monster purse is truly adorable.. while i am not a designer by any standards, i know my dd would jump at the idea of making one like that.. and learning about the process through someone who does it already is cool..
love the purse looks very elegant and has so many special qualities thanks for sharing
That is an interesting post, i really enjoy reading interviews . Thanks for sharing
This interview is so inspirational for new creative entreprenuers like me. Sometimes I am caught up between what I really like to do and what should I do for the living. Going on your passion is best if you have great capital to start but if you have nothing sometimes its hard and we end up giving up to go back on the things we don’t love because it pays more.
I had to design a purse for fashion school in the past and it’s a lot of hard work. I give her a lot of credit.
So lovely that you got to interview her! She’s definitely amazing at what she does and I love her determination and perseverance. What an inspiration to women to go after their dreams!
This is a really inspirational interview. We must always follow our heart when it comes to choosing our career because this is something we will do in order to do what we love, to earn, and to be successful. This is a really nice share 🙂
I love handbags and it is super interesting reading about the journey’s of others. What an inspiration this is!
What a fun interview! I think she seems so fun, and those purses are absolutely adorable!
She is a amazing, so talented. I love the purses, very creative.
Love that purse, she is so talented, I enjoyed reading the interview with her.
Very nice interview and purses! I have also been designing and making my own bags and purses for a long time, so I always appreciate the talent and creativity of other artisans. My specialty is incorporating quilt block designs and imprinted photos into the bags.
What cute designs! I love it when people are creative and make things from ideas inside of their heads. So pretty!
How amazing is this! I would love to be able to design things like this and just get ideas into reality! What an amazing talent to have.
She is very creative and you did an awesome interview! Will she be launching her new collections soon?
Her bags are so cote, I love how she uses different materials and different textures. I would definitely love to buy that owl purse. It’s good that she realised in time that passion is more important than money and changed her way of making her handbags.
Wow, I love to have the hairy purse, so cute with the eyes looking at one side, sneaky at the same time. Is it available online?
Amazing read. What really resonated was having a career that you love.
Great interview! It’s wonderful that she was able to turn her hobby into a career. It’s so important to choose a career that you love.
What an interesting interview! I cannot say that I have ever met anyone who designs and makes purses as a career. I love that she is in Columbia as well. Thanks for this provocative post.
Definitely agree with putting out a quality product and money will follow. People are more likely do recommend you when if they had a great experience with you.
So interesting to read about someone who designs purses. I’ll be sharing this article with friends, thanks so much!
Purses are one of those things that make women special… Their design is like poetry. There are infinite variations in color, shape, style… And it’s a whole science to find something in it.
She has designed some fun purses! I really liked the part where she talked about doing what you love. I also thought it was fun that her ex-boyfriend helped her learn to find fun materials. My husband is my favorite shopping partner, so I can understand where she’s coming from.
Work isn’t really a work if you’re passionate with it. I love to hear how she had fun doing all these purses. Would love to see more of her work!
I totally agree with her. In choosing a career, you must consider doing what you love.
Wonderful post and interview, very enlightening and inspiring for others.
I like the idea of an interview for a blog post. Very informative and fun to read.
Yes! I Loved this. I love handbags! This girl is so lucky to do what she loves!
I love reading these interviews from self-made entrepreneurs. I also think it’s really important to choose a career that you love doing. PS-the purse with the big eyes is super cute!!
How lovely to know about the person behind the product. Lovely interview.
Sweet story and we see very well that there is love and passion in her doing. What’s bag’s brand?
Ben –
Life can be so complete if we choose what we like as our career. I have seen people dragging their feet to work, feel sorry for these group of people and hope your post can inspired more people to wake up.
Designing purses sounds like such a fun job! I’m sure you learn so much about your customers too
I don’t think a woman can ever have too many purses. I would love to have the talent to make my own, and especially ones as adorable as those depicted in the photos you provided. Getting to interview people and learn about their lives and talents must be so interesting! Thank you for the insight and beautiful photos.
you have an awesome set of designs !!! wow!!! ic an’t even imagine how id design a mini purse or which material i can use to make it!
Wow, what a fun and creative job, I bet there is a lot of satisfaction in seeing a happy customer purchase something that you have created.
That’s awesome! It’s always inspiring to see someone pursue their dreams whether big or small.
Awesome interview! Inspiration comes from observing fashion and people in general. It always must suit the purpose of the item.
Those bags look amazing. I love that you shared her story with us. Thanks!
Designing and making things are such a skill- I wish I was more creative and activily learning more skills
This is a great interview- I love learning what makes people choose their paths in life. Finding your passion and making it a career is impressive.
encouraging interview. I love this one “If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to believe in what I love.” thanks for sharing
I completely agree with doing what we love. That way the job or work never becomes boring or monotonous and you always give your 110%
Such an interesting interview. It’s always so awesome to see people take the passion from when they are young and turn it into a business!
Good for Jennifer for following her dream of purse design. Seems like a fun and creative career. I also bet she has a fantastic personal collection of handbags. 🙂
I really enjoyed this short story! You should keep at it! Before you know it you’ll have a book! 🙂
Such cute designs. I remember having a stuffed toy looking bag when I was younger and it was really my favorite.
Thank you for sharing your interview with her. I am now a fan and looking forward to more of her designs.
She is so creative. I love that purse with eyes.. that’s the one I’d probably go for.
I’m so glad that she out doing something that she loves. I studied Business Administration because I thought it would be a safe career to make money, but I wish I would have studied writing or acting- both careers that could not go anywhere.
I really enjoyed reading this interview. Her personality and her bags seem really awesome!
This was an interesting interview. I’m planning on doing an interview series myself and I really like the way that you ordered this one. It gave me a lot of information about this purse designer, I feel like I really know her now and am more interested in her designs.
You know, I am a typical woman who loves to look at purses and bags. But I don’t buy them because I don’t get to use them. I usually just have one bag that lasts for years. I need a big bag because of all the stuff that I need when going out. Pfft.
She has a very chic looking handbags. This would do really well if she started making more and selling on Amazon
Wow, she’s really doing great, I wish I could just be ready books like that. I love to read books but very easily distracted. Though many things account for my distractions. But after reading this now, I think I’m recandled to read again. Thank you
Wow, this is great. I can imagine how satisfying it must be to do this as a career. the designs are lovely.
To believe in what we love. Isn’t that what we all aspire for in Life! good read
This is a great post. She is doing a great job and it must be so much fun to do this as a career choice too!
I would love to have a descriptive of her surrounding as well. In what environment is she evolving? Nice interview.
That’s an interesting interview!
I love it when people do something they love, and with that creative sense 🙂
Great interview! So many adorable purses, I could fill my closet with them!
Love all these adorable purses. So great to read interviews with successful business owners!
Interesting interview! It’s great that after all, she believed her dreams enough to make them true. That’s not always easy but it’s definitely worth it. All the best to her and her career!
Wow I love hearing about how Jennifer pursued this career and why. Love her unique designs.
This is really motivational
Handbag making is a craft that needs to be nurtured.
I am glad you nurtured that gift
That is so cool! I love that she followed her heart with it and her purses look so adorable! I love them!
These handbags are just gorgeous! I love finding purses that match my mood for the day… sometimes I’m using the same purse for months, and other times, I’m changing it out every few days!
Great read! I like your choice of questions. She is the inspiration for all who want to pursue their dreams. This second bag is cute.
Support SMEs! She has a long way to go. And congratulations for a well-versed interview!
Love reading your interviews. I love to read about peoples stories and how they got to where they are now.
Love it when someone finds a way to express their creativity. She makes very cute purses.
This post is very informative for young entrepreneurs.
she makes her hobby a profession which sounds really good.
xo Corina
This is a great interview. Nice meeting Jen. She is truly an inspiration.
This is a great interview. I admire designers of any type because of their imagination and creativity. It takes a lot of skill.
This is great. Designers inspire me to create in my own way. Purses and bags are just plain amazing!
Wow ,I envy people who have the courage to follow their passion. Great post I enjoyed reading and I was inspired
She makes pretty purses. She is an amazing artist.
Wow, this is such a good post and I do love hearing other designers perspective and to get some learning from them.Thanks for sharing!
Whatever happens, we will always go back to what we truly love. No matter how life somehow turns out, our passion will eventually find its way to our hearts. Kudos! Your questions led Jen to these wonderful insights.
My friends always say: there are some the of girl but you are definitely a bag girl. This interview is so interesting to me! I am very much interested in fashion and bags are a big part of it. Also I really want bag not only to be pretty but also fictional which isn’t always easy to pull. Thank you for letting me touch the industry more
It is always fun to read interviews about creatives. They are passionate, flighty and yet full of intense knowledge about the world.
I love the red one but I think the monster purse is pretty amazing! I am always impressed by people who can create something beautiful like these!
A great interview. Designers are very creative people. Such beautiful purse too. I like the grey one, very cute.
What a cool interview and what a cool thing… creating and designing handbags! I love the interview and really love that pink bag with the black stripes. Keep up the cool designs!