The Final Peace

Note: I wrote this piece in 2018. I wasn’t sure if I should publish it then but I’ve done it now. Please read the full story

She sat on the rock and was immersed in her thoughts.

Shlok: Missing me?

Ditvi: You bet. How did you know that I’d be here? 😊

Shlok: For ages, Rishikesh had been your place to dwell.

So, Ditvi, how was it?

Ditvi: How was what?🤨

Shlok: This birth? This life?

Ditvi: Don’t ask, it was one heck of a life. Right from childhood till the end. Although I had everything, I still couldn’t feel that happiness in my soul. 😓

Shlok: I could have said that it was your childhood trauma but your parents of this life loved you. Especially your mom.

Ditvi: Oh Please! Any form of Emotional Abuse, be it love or anything, is abuse. 😞

Also, I tried to understand people, be patient with them and all they did was to take me for granted.

Humans have become selfish with time.

Shlok: Yes, I have to agree with that. Let that topic go. Don’t stress yourself now.

But I must say you achieved a lot, career-wise. That too in many fields. ❤‍🔥

Ditvi: Haha, I was tired of that life but I couldn’t end it as per Dad’s command, so I had to do something. But I guess your life was good. You took birth with superpowers. 🤔

You were a famous poet too, I just learned. 💝

Humans will remember you forever. 😉

Shlok: The only superpower I had was a divine sight. And I always harnessed it to keep an eye on you. And, as writing poems is considered, it was always about you. Everything was always about you. ♥️

Ditvi: You were also born with memories of our past lives as well. 🤨

Shlok: Hey, taking this birth was your idea. And when dad asked if you wanted any powers or memories of this world or of your past 32 lives, you said no. So don’t blame me now. 🙄

Ditvi: I’m not blaming you. I just thought it would be fun. But… all the men I loved in this mortal life, used me, no one loved me, it sucked. The only man who loved me, I couldn’t love him. 🥺

Shlok: Yeah, I too feel bad for your husband in mortal life. ☹️

But I couldn’t love my wife either. I missed you, my partner for eternity always. (Holds her hand)

Ditvi: That’s why you kept an eye on me always 😜.

Shlok: Yes. So are you ready? ❤️

Ditvi: Now for what? 🤨

Shlok: To take a new birth 😅

Ditvi: Heck no, I’m done with living life as a mortal. No more births. But you might want to take rebirth because you had a good life. 🙄

Shlok: I don’t want to spend another 50-60 years without you.

Ditvi: 🥰 nor do I.

As they were about to kiss each other, a deep voice suddenly emerged.

Almighty: Shlok, Ditvi, it’s time to come home.

Shlok and Ditvi stopped right there and stood up.

Ditvi: Let’s go home…

Shlok smiled. They held each other’s hands and started walking until they disappeared into the thin air.

Note: This Blog Post is protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights are reserved to the copyright owners.

‘This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.’

31 thoughts on “The Final Peace”

    1. Bedabrata Chakraborty

      This may be open to interpretation but I somehow found the ending rather haunting. In fact I found the beginning peaceful and loving. Towards the end it was like a jolt. Can compare it to short stories by Tagore.

  1. Kaveri Chhetri

    Oh I was so used to reading your Nano tales Moni… I miss it. But this came with a different flavor and I can’t help complimenting the story creator in you… whether nano or not. the kind of plots n the twists n turns u come with… they’re truly amazing!

  2. This definitely needed to be posted, loved it. I adored the names of the character, I am a bit biased when it comes to traditional names. The story is beautiful and I believe that true love is indeed immortal.

  3. I always thought that people would become smart and realize their mistakes as soon as they die. Ditvi mentions something around how love can be an emotional abuse too. Then falls into it, yet again.

    Guess humans (mortal or otherwise) are complicated fools

  4. So sweet! A beautiful afterlife love story. I really believe we all have soulmates who may or may not be our life partners and some day we will meet them either in life or after.

  5. Pingback: Creative Corner: Monidipa Dutta - With Love - Weird & Liberated

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