The Diwali Book Club Meet

On November 11th, we gathered again for our Book Club meeting, this time to celebrate Diwali. It was pre-decided that we would all wear ethnic attire, except for Meher and me, as we had our reasons for not doing so. Having missed the last meeting, I realized that I had missed a lot. Present were Me, Rajeshwari, Meher, Dhwani, Pritam, and Bhavik. Each member had an amazing book to discuss.


Rajeshwari brought “What If” by Randall Munroe. This book poses hilarious questions that we would typically never think of answering. It sparked some crazy ideas in my mind, which I think are better left unspoken.

Meher presented “If We Were Villains” by M.L Rio, a Dark Academia genre book. The story involves the death of one of seven friends, with one of them being the killer. Meher, in her narration, created a captivating atmosphere.

Dhwani shared “Italy Ever After” by Leonie Mack, a cute contemporary romance novel with a theme of love at second chance. The story and theme were quite dreamy.

Pritam discussed “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins. This book tackles a unique topic, and Richard presents interesting rebuttals for everyone, whether religious, atheist, or agnostic. Pritam presented it in a compelling way.

Finally, Bhavik introduced “Pachinko.” I had read this in 2018 while on a wheelchair, and it brought back bittersweet and triggering memories. The book explores discrimination, stereotypes, and power, particularly concerning the experiences of Koreans in Japan during World War II. The story spans three generations, from 1910 to 1989. Bhavik, being a great storyteller, explained the narrative in a fascinating way. It was enlightening to hear about something that had once distressed me in a new light.

Unfortunately, others couldn’t join due to their other commitments. Rajeshwari and Dhwani also gifted us beautiful bookmarks, adding two more to my collection.

The meet ended on a good note. And on my way back home I decided to put this post for Blog Hop. I wrote this poem, while on my way back.

Diwali of Diverse Tales

In the glow of Diwali, our bookish hearts convened,
Six souls, diverse tales, in the spirit of the festival gleamed.
Ethnic attire adorned five, but Meher and I stood apart,
Reasons woven in threads, a divergence of the heart.

Missed the last, a chapter unfolded without my gaze,
Yet, in the symphony of stories, I found my place.
Rajeshwari brought “What If” by Munroe, a laughter spree,
Questions absurd, a realm where curiosity runs free.

Meher spun the tale of “If We Were Villains,” dark and deep,
A death among friends, secrets to keep.
Dhwani unfolded “Italy Ever After,” a romance so sweet,
Love’s second chance, a tale in which hearts meet.

Pritam wielded “The God Delusion,” a debate profound,
Dawkins’ words echoed, beliefs unbound.
Bhavik, with “Pachinko,” three generations unfold,
Korean struggles in Japan’s tale told.

Triggering memories, bittersweet, a narrative unfolds,
Discrimination’s dance, stereotypes it holds.
Bookmarks gifted, tokens of the day,
Rajeshwari and Dhwani, in beauty, they lay.

Others absent, commitments tying them away,
Yet, in our literary haven, we found solace that day.
With stories shared and bookmarks gained,
Our book club meet in Diwali’s light remained.



This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.



Last but not the least, Sorry for the bad recording.

65 thoughts on “The Diwali Book Club Meet”

  1. Your vivid descriptions allowed me to vicariously experience the rich diversity of tale of each book shared by each member, and I appreciate the inclusion of the thoughtful reasons behind attire choices. Also, the poem is beautiful.

  2. Such a lovely poem! I have never been in a book club and think it’s great that everyone shared what they were reading. What a great way to find new and interesting stories.

  3. This is such a different take on a book club for what my friends and I do. We all read the same book and then discuss it together, but I like this idea of sharing a book with others that they may have never read or heard of.

  4. That is fun to put together a book group and share different books. Lots of great picks! I will have to check out If We Were Villians; sounds quite intriguing.

  5. What a thoughtful poem to reflect on a lovely book club. You do an amazing job of collecting each persons book presentation and the overall gathering. Also, the bookmarks are beautiful.

  6. This post captures the vibrant spirit of the Book Club meeting celebrating Diwali. The decision to wear ethnic attire adds a festive touch, creating a visually engaging atmosphere. The mention of missed meetings and the subsequent realization of what was missed creates a sense of anticipation and highlights the importance of these gatherings. The introduction of each member and their choice of books adds a personal touch, fostering a sense of community within the club.

  7. I’d absolutely love being a member of a book club and if you know a valuable one, please let me know. I am gonna be reading the “What If” by Randall book next. Thanks for the suggestions!

  8. I a for sure loving this and may have to consider joining a book club myself as I do love reading and love being around people that do as well. There is nothing better than getting lost in a good book!

  9. The only book out of these I have read is if we were villains and I loved it. Such a nice idea to each bring a book x

  10. I love the poem. It’s amazing how books can bring together people from diverse backgrounds and create a sense of belonging. The way each person shared their favourite story and brought their unique perspective to the table is truly inspiring. It’s a wonderful reminder that literature has the power to unite us and help us understand each other better. Thank you for sharing this lovely piece and a happy Diwali to all!”

  11. Sounds like a great time! I’ve never been part of a book club, but I’d love to find one in my local area. I also love those bookmarks!

  12. Pachinko is a heartbreaking novel. I read it twice back to back and then the show…so good. And the poem is beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us.

  13. The book club sounds like a great idea to discover books you may not choose to read otherwise. I love the poem you have crafted following your session, very articulate and well written.

  14. Nostalgia! We had a Bookwormz group of ten where we would read the same book and meet once a month in one member home for lunch. We used to share our own perspectives and ideas about the book. Somehow we all drifted away and the group never meets but we go on a rare trip together and still continue the WhatsApp group. Hoping your group goes on forever. I really admired your poem.

  15. What a unique way of celebrating Diwali! Books, light of knowledge with like-minded people–I would say the best way of celebrating light. And then you wove it all into a poem, that’s an awesome tribute to your meeting.

  16. The book picks are all wonderful and I am happy to know that you were able to meet with you book club.

    By the way, we’re actually planning of organizing one too with some friends. What other activities do you have during meet-ups?

  17. wow! looks like you guys had loads of fun. These offline meet-ups are better than just discussing one book online. At least you get to know more books and you can choose one that suits your taste.

  18. What a wonderful way to present a Bookers day out Moni. I loved the way you presented that day’s synopsis with us. But why your video glimpse is missing? That is not right as I wish to see you too talking about books. By the way the best part of the whole post is the poem at the last and I loved it. I just wonder how you are managing so many things besides a regular job. You are truly inspiration Moni dear.

  19. I like the poetess Moni a lot… she is so spontaneous.
    Your little poem is so sweet and you have included every detail in it… that needs some creativity and u have loads of it… keep them coming.

  20. Love this! With today’s technology and fast paced living, I’m happy to see that book clubs like this are still very much alive. I think of it as some kind of part of history already actually especially when there’s so much more ways now to learn things instead of simply ready from a book. Great efforts and community!

  21. Book Mela or book meet up really sound intresting. I wish I could join this kind of bookies group. Love your poem Moni. I love the way you put up names of book in your poem. Beautifully captured.

  22. This is such a good concept. We all might not like the same book and usually book clubs fail because of this. I also enjoyed reading the poem you shared. This is a 2 in one post 🙂

  23. Your Diwali Book Club celebration radiates warmth and diversity through each book’s unique essence. It’s heartening to see literature unite in a festive feast, fostering a rich tapestry of narratives. May the glow of these literary lights continue to illuminate your reading journey!

  24. Noor Anand Chawla

    I also love meeting my monthly book club just the same way I can see you love meeting yours! But we read the same book and discuss it. The idea of sharing a book each is interesting and unique.

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