Shopping Relieves Stress

As everyone who read my last post knows I was pretty upset due to “stuff” thank you for wishing good for me. And those who said “This too shall pass” you guys have won my heart. Well on Thursday night after reading (Thanks to David), I started feeling normal. But, it was short lived; within the very next hour I read something which again pissed me off..

So on the very next day I decided to go for shopping as I knew now this is the only thing that will help me. Though it is monsoon here still Shopping is always great isn’t it?

Pictures Copyright:

So as I was saying shopping, I love wearing maxi dresses. And to be very honest as I do not have a photographer who can click my pictures in all these dresses I have to upload the pictures of only the dresses. Though I must thanks Fbb because I loved their collection this time…

Though I love black but this last blue dress captured my heart. And now I can say I am FINE. 

Happy Shopping and Thank You readers for being by my side.

See you Soon..

256 thoughts on “Shopping Relieves Stress”

    1. I totally agree with this post. Sometimes we need to shop, however sometimes our wallets don’t agree with our needs. That’s why I like thrift shopping, all of the fun without the price 🙂

  1. I’m not a massive shopper but I must admit some times only a shopping experience can cheer me up 🙂 everyone needs a boost everyone once in a while. I really like that blue dress, it’s a lovely colour.


  2. The blue dress looks very beautiful and I can see why you would like it. I also think you would look amazing in the black floral. Sorry about the ups and downs of each week. I hope things get better for you soon.

  3. I couldn’t agree more with you shopping can help relieve your stress … and I also love doing that, but I’ve noticed recently that now I do it even too often and not only when I’m stressed. Hope you’ll feel fine from now on! 🙂

  4. I have to agree with you that shopping relieves stress! And I love wearing maxi dresses when I shop! They are so easy to get on and off when trying on clothes!

  5. I love the dresses. Thanks for validation. I think I need to go shopping as well. Actually, I need to make sure my husband can watch the kids because when I take my 3 year old, it makes it more stressful.

  6. I like that blue dress too. And like you, I love to shop for the sense of release one enjoys. Shopping is really therapeutic. It is sometimes referred to as retail therapy

  7. Yes shopping is a great stress buster.. I hope you are through your stress days…
    Livy dress and a beautiful writeup as usual..
    Thank you

  8. My stress reliever is playing some music. Since I love guitar instruments it’s been with me since many years. Shopping is also one of the list but it will come at the bottom for me.

  9. I’m so happy shopping is such a great release for you, and the dresses are beautiful. Every now and then I like to just stroll the aisles of TJ Maxx and Marshalls with my baby just to change up our scenery and boost our moods.

  10. I’m only 5’2 and I feel like I can not pull off maxi dresses, but I still try. I LOVE maxi dresses. They’re comfortable, stylish, easy, and they don’t make me feel trapped.

    Thanks for sharing and I hope your “stuff” is better!

  11. The dresses are lovely! Sadly, I do not like to shop in malls, but thank goodness for inline shops. It does relieve stress.

  12. The blue dress is such a pretty color and really elegant design. I discovered a few years ago too that retail therapy was so much more enjoyable that being stressed and tense about things. So when I feel irritated I too pop into my nearest mall 🙂

  13. Even if I don’t buy anything, shopping is a great way for me to relax and connect with my feminine side. I like looking at touching the pretty and soft dresses! That alone makes me feel better.

  14. Always on your side 🙂 Sometimes we all have rough days and it’s good to have a support system! These dresses are so pretty. I don’t shop much in stores (I’m a huge Amazon Prime fan) but sometimes wandering through a store mindlessly looking at everything helps so much! Glad you are having a better day! xo

  15. I hope you feel better soon. Yes, shopping is a stress-buster sometimes. Although I shop very rarely, when I’m stressed, I head to a new place or simply go hiking. Cheers!!

  16. Oh I didn’t know this is what we call maxi dress so ignorant of me. I love this kind too. Also, I love shopping and it really does relieve stress because there are so many good stuffs. I love doing it online though because there are exclusive offers there all the time and I’m just lazy to drive out.

  17. Wow! the pattern are very beautiful. I like the black ones, speacially the one with sleeveless and the black dress with floral pattern.

  18. Yes, totally agree with you. Shopping is real stress buster. And there is word for this ONIOCHALASIA that means buying or shopping as a method of stress relief or relaxation.

  19. Shopping is certainly a great way to relieve stress for many folks. I’m glad you were able to find an outlet for it. These dresses look really pretty, I especially love the elegant pale blue one, perfect for evenings out.

  20. I love how shopping can relieve your stress. I like all the clothes you showcased but the last blue one is stunning, I can see why it captured your heart!

  21. I agree with you. I found that shopping make me happy even if I have lot of stress and tension. After a shopping I will completely forgot about the things made me upset.

  22. I’m guilty of this, too. I shop when I feel so stressed. There’s just something about shopping that makes me feel good. At least while I’m doing it. It’s another thing when I’m already at home looking at the stuff that I bought that I don’t think I really need. 😛

  23. Geraline Batarra

    I love to wear dress a lot and you dresses collections are all beautiful. I agree that one of people stress relieving is when they are going to a shopping.

  24. I’m not a big shopper but I have found it to be a nice distraction. I would rather be traveling than shopping I guess.

  25. Shopping, for clothes at least, stresses me out. Now, that first dress with the tie died swirl, that’s something I could go for. I love tie dying. Most of my wardrobe is tie dyed. When I shop, I always gravitate towards dresses, buy the dresses, and then never wear them. I hope you do and that you love every moment of it.

  26. I used to love shopping! I would drop everything is I was given the opportunity to go shopping. But now at 33, I find myself dreading it. I can be in the mall or another store and I just get frustrated and it seems to put me in a bad mood. Now I wouldn’t say just because I go shopping that means it’s decided and it’s definite that I’m going to be in a bad mood. I would just rather sit at the comfort of my own home and do it online. I love wearing maxi dresses too. The ones in your post are cute.

  27. I agree about shopping. I find myself sometimes enjoying the stress relief that comes with making a new purchase, you just have to make sure you have the budget for it though or then it just creates more stress if you have financial stress!

  28. We all have different ways to relieve stress, it’s just a matter of finding a way that is healthy and works well for whatever situation we’re going through. Hope things get better for you 🙂

  29. They don’t call it retail therapy for nothing! 🙂 Shopping can be great therapy, especially if you really enjoy it. The blue maxi dress is very pretty! I love maxi dresses because they are so flowy and freeing!

  30. Your maxi dress suggestions are all awesome. I like the black floral dress the most, but I think your pick is pretty too. Love the light blue color! I agree with you that shopping is therapeutic. I am fortunate to live within 2 miles distance from a department store. That helps a lot when I am so close to a meltdown.

  31. I’m glad shopping relieves stress for you. It’s the opposite for me. I hate to spend money, and I hate to try on clothes that never seem to fit right! I have to find a different stress reliever.

  32. Ok now those are cute! And yes, please keep your mind filled with positive vibes. I had a phone conversation with Angela at and she simply helped me when I was upset about some things I have seen or read online.

    Enjoy your day girl and stay happy!

  33. I can understand that someone could feel stress relief from buying things, but it’s always best to address the underlying issues as well. But buying things can be fun too.

  34. Shopping definitely relieves stress, I agree lol. However, the source of said stress must be identified and resolved or else once the high of the shopping fades, you’re back to feeling stressed again resulting in more shopping, then a reduced account balance, then stress–> shopping…you get it? Vicious cycle. So best to resolve that issue after shopping once you’re clear-headed. Oh! Love the blue dress too.

  35. I totally agree with you. I shop when I’m stressed, but if I don’t have any money at the time, I’ll online shop, add a bunch of stuff to my cart and then hit the x. Believe it or not, it does the job as well!

  36. I love shopping as a stress reliever, too! I actually love hitting discount stores because it takes more time to go through each item and it lets my brain relax a bit.

  37. I have always wanted to like maxi dresses, but I have short girl problems and can never find just the right length. The couple that I do own require me to wear super high heals just to make them work. That last blue dress is my favorite.

  38. The therapy that Moni most likes – Retail therapy. Babe you totally should have tried all those clothes and put your pictures in them and the post would have been something else. It’ll be good to see the face behind these thoughts 🙂

  39. Life is all about ups and down dear. Nothing lasts forever so just try to do the craziest stuff possible and cheer up. Shopping is the best stress reliever do agree with you 🙂 And yes don’t think too much for downs it’s just a small part of life it will pass away. Lovely collection btw 😉

  40. Yass girl! It has been proven that Retail Therapy reduce Stress and Lower Blood Pressure. Managing stress can come in many different forms—find the one that gives you the most pleasure (maybe it’s shopping!) for me I find my happiness in Sephora and Pharmacy ( for supplement’s hoarding ) LOL.

    much love 🙂

  41. Great post. My stress relief is shopping as well but it can get out of hand at time lol. I tell myself I am going to buy one thing and I end up buying 10 things.

  42. I love the sentiment “this too shall pass,” and it has resonated with me since childhood. You’re right, everything is essential, even the smallest thing or emotion. It seems that retail therapy helped you out at a low point. Sometimes it is the little kind things we do for ourselves that can turn around our perspective on a situation.

  43. Geraline Batarra

    This is such a great post. I do believe that many of us (girls) like going in a shopping as our stress reliever but one of the best stress reliever for me is to eat my favorite food and sleeping.

  44. Maxi dresses are so fun and pretty. And yes, shopping and getting something new can definitely be a stress reliever for sure!

  45. I love shopping even when I’m not stressed lol You found some amazing dresses. I am loving them all…I need to go shopping with you 🙂

  46. Sudipta Dev Chakraborti

    I agree with you completely that shopping relieves stress – retail therapy does work. Love the floral black dress.

  47. You got it girl, shopping certainly release stress… LOL. BTW, Love your selections on the flower dress, perfect for the Autumn season coming up.

  48. I’m happy that you’re feel better! I love a good retail therapy to just ease the relaxation. And while I can’t be hours at the store for clothes, I do love browsing for home decor, pet toys and artsy/unique finds.

  49. Shopping is not my stress reliever but guess that is why we are unique. I prefer the light blue color to the others as it just looks a little lighter, but well done on feeling better.

  50. Its good that shopping relieves stress. Stress is not good and needs to be released in some form. It differs from person to person. Some prefer to travel to let go off stress.

    1. Window shopping also helps me to release stress, but if I need a total release I tend to splurge on investment pieces.

  51. I hope to say shopping relieves my stress too but only for a short time. Although shopping is just a small fraction contributing to relieve stress, i believe stress can be relieved by taking enough rest and eating your meals on time

  52. Annemarie LeBlanc

    Agree to that! Shopping relieves stress, but I do make it a point not to overdo it because when I do realize that I overspent, I will be having more stress. Sometimes, just a stroll in the mall would do the trick for me.

  53. You are so spot on with this post. I am sure the men will never understand how shopping can relieve stress! I live half a mile from a major shopping mall and you can be sure you can find me there when I need a breather.

  54. the blue one is my favorite out of the selection, super pretty! I just did some shopping and saved a ton of money because of all the sales, received my stress ; )

  55. hahaha well, that is true on one hand. But when I get home and realized how much I spent, then it sends me to a spiral again. The only time I really enjoyed shopping for myself was when hubby took me out on my birthday and told me to splurge. I did buy some stuff but it was still controlled spending. 😀

  56. I definitely agree that shopping relieves stress. If you find something new whether for clothing, shoes or for the home it can make you HAPPY!

  57. So glad to hear that you are in better spirits. I agree with shopping relieving stress! Every now and then a little shopping therapy is all one needs to make everything all better again.

  58. Indeed, shopping relieves stress. Whenever I feel stressed, I blow off some steam at the mall. LOL. Just kidding but could be true. There’s something about shopping that takes my mind off of something. I don’t shop like crazy though. Thanks for posting!

  59. Well this has been scientifically proven that stress in women can largely be reduced if they opt for shopping! So, this habit has something to do with our nature!

    At least its true for me.

    But I am not into ‘window-shopping’. If I plan to go shopping, I tend to actually buy something.

  60. Those dresses are beautiful. Shopping does relieve my stress and I used to do that until I realized I am doing it out of control. Now, I am learning something new, although shopping brings me the most joy.

  61. You know I am right there with you, Sometimes stress leads me to shop as well. I am all about the budget but some days I don’t care. I also love Maxi dresses have tons of them in my closet and yes, the blue dress is a heart-stealing one. No wonder you like that.

  62. Bunmies Healthy Choices

    I love, love, love the blue maxi. I love to shop as well, and yes, shopping relieves stress big time!
    Thanks for this great post!

  63. Shopping can be a great stress reliever. I think sometimes treating ourselves to a much needed present can make us feel good and that in return makes you relax.

  64. Retail therapy is one of my favorite activities, however my bank account doesn’t appreciate it much! Love all the dresses, perfect for late summer weather.

  65. I totally agree with this. Sometimes we need to take a break, Go to the mall, Eat and shop that will really help you relieving your tress. I am doing the same thing whenever I feel bad.

  66. I am actually more of an “eating relieves stress” kind of girl because going shopping could make it even more stressful for me sometimes (with the staff following me around and pushes me to buy the things I don’t need – I haven’t thought of doing online shopping when I’m stressed out though, Lol), but I’m glad that it worked out great for you. I love the blue dress!

  67. I love shopping as a stress reliever as well! I also LOVE maxi dresses. Those are so pretty! I have a closet full of them! They are my “go to” for comfort and ease of dressing!

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  70. Annemarie LeBlanc

    Totally agree. Shopping does relieve stress. Although I don’t wear dresses that much, your picks in this post are really pretty ones!

  71. This is so true, only that I am less stressed when shopping online but take me to the shops and I will go nuts. So I think online is where I will be shopping for a while.

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  79. Shopping is indeed relieved stress, and I love it! But nowadays, I changed it a little bit by visiting charity shops instead of high-end boutiques. Saves me money, relieved my stress, and helped the charity!

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