Kita Kita is a heart-wrenching and emotional Filipino movie that was released in 2017. It tells the story of a woman named Lea who goes blind after discovering that her fiance is cheating on her. She isolates herself from the world and moves to Japan, where she meets a quirky and lovable Filipino man named Tonyo.
At first, Lea wants nothing to do with Tonyo. She is angry and bitter, and the last thing she wants is to make friends. But Tonyo is persistent, and he slowly but surely begins to break down her walls. He shows her the beauty of the world through her other senses, and he helps her to see that life is still worth living, even if she can no longer see it.
Kita Kita is a touching and powerful film that deals with themes of love, loss, and finding hope in the face of adversity. It is a movie that will make you cry, but it is also a movie that will make you smile. The chemistry between the two lead actors, Alessandra de Rossi and Empoy Marquez, is palpable, and their performances are both heartbreaking and heartwarming.
One of the most poignant scenes in the film is when Tonyo takes Lea to a cherry blossom festival. He describes the beauty of the cherry blossoms to her, using words and sounds to paint a picture in her mind. It is a scene that is both sad and beautiful, and it shows just how much Tonyo cares for Lea.
Kita Kita is a movie that will stay with you long after the credits roll. It is a movie that will make you appreciate the small things in life, and it will make you cherish the people you love. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope and beauty to be found in the world.
My Verdict on the movie:
Personally, Kita Kita impacted me in a profound way. It made me appreciate my own senses and the beauty of the world around me. It also made me appreciate the people in my life who love and support me, and it reminded me to always be grateful for what I have. Kita Kita is a film that I would highly recommend to anyone who wants to be moved and inspired by a powerful story of love and hope.
This post is a part of Blogchatter A2Z challenge 2023