Journey to Inner self

This excruciatingly beautiful poem which I am publishing today is written by Miss Purvasha Das, she right now lives in USA and is stuck there due to this pandemic. Actually, I never met her, this poem was sent to me by her lovely mother once upon a time who is my employer at work. Both the mother and daughter are lovely.


A fear creeps in as I see you in my mirror,

I can no more frame you in painted walls of my heart.

you have started shadowing my lone wolf trails.

I sleep watching us signing cards,

Only to wake up to a dream behind retired frosted windows,

reminiscing your printed lost smile.

Should I break free in your waters or break down to your last quote?

Should I let the mirage be all of me or let the beating vein consume?

I have become a doubt walking through the riddled roads.

I have been ricocheting between my own pockets of unsaturated vices,

bolted behind imposing virtues.

I am a shot less drunk on you,

For I might order a wreckage for a payment.

I am one obvious truth away from you,

For I have been shrouding my tracks to you

Believing a lie that it would fade one day.

I am a confession short to you,

That I wish to be a prayer fulfilled with you.
























Feature Photo by: Olivia Snow

100 thoughts on “Journey to Inner self”

  1. Steven Morrissette

    That was a really nice poem. I’m glad I had the chance to read it. Thank you for sharing it.

  2. What a well written and thought-provoking piece of writing! She did a beautiful job evoking images and feelings throughout the poem.

  3. That was deep. This pandemic have different effects on us as we have different circumstances. I hope we all come out of this stronger and better.

  4. I don’t know what to say, this is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the depth and meaning of this poem, amazing…Sharing it for sure.

  5. “Should I break free in your waters or break down to your last quote?” That line really touched my heart. This time is not easy for any of us and it’s nice to read the thoughts of others to remind me that I am not alone.

  6. Oh man the line “I have been ricocheting between my own pockets of unsaturated vices” is something out of a longing song. Truly beautiful, and reflective.

  7. That is a deep poem. But your spirit and inner self is speaking through that poem. I feel the emotions there. Hopefully, everything will be ok and just be positive all the time.

  8. This is a lovely poem, so nice of your boss to send it to you. This shows that she is very proud of her daughter.

  9. blair villanueva

    This is a very heartwarming and beautiful poem. Each line is very meaningful and powerful.

  10. Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    Beautiful poem and so heart wrenching. Sometimes we do struggle with putting on a facade everyday and keep our true selves hidden from the world. This poem resonates with me. I know there is a different person within me, wanting to break free and live the life she has always dreamed of.

  11. A lovely and inspiring poem…thank you Monidipa for sharing this with us. Keep using this time to focus on your creativity, Purvasha!

  12. What a lovely poem. I believe we all need to look within the mirror during this pandemic. What will we see? I feel like the main person is a wandering lost soul in the poem. Love the dark side of it.

  13. That’s s very nice poem. I loved reading it. Keep writing such amazing poems Purvasha and Monidipa please keep sharing them.

  14. Arugba Stanley

    A very Heart touching poem. To me, Although it is not about break up but I feel it details about the emotions of the aftermath of a breakup, because I recently got my heart broken.

  15. This was beautifully written. I had to read it twice because it was so full of words that spoke to me.

  16. Very beautiful poem with such deep meaning! I love that you allowed her to share her emotions and feelings with world. I love how she perceives the world!

  17. Thank you everyone! Engaging writers and encouraging readers together make a utopian world for the soul. I am thankful to Monidipa for sharing my work with such an amazing and accepting audience of creators and readers.

  18. Miss Purvasha has great creative writing skills. I love reading this poem. Thank you for sharing it with us Moni and I wish her all the best in writing beautiful poems like this one.

  19. This is a sad but interesting poem everyone can relate. I love this lines: Should I break free in your waters or break down to your last quote? Very haunting yet leaves a touching piece of emotion about freedom and surrender.

  20. This is a sad poem. But, I enjoyed reading it. She has that talent and thank you for sharing this with us.

  21. This is well-written! I can feel the emotions of the writer just by reading the words. It’s also best if you’re going to read it aloud.

  22. Blair villanueva

    It is truly a very heartwarming and genuinely emotional poem. Keep on sharing this kind of artistic piece.

  23. That could be a tough yet the most beautiful journey. Love the words that you’ve been written. It’s great!

  24. this poem is very deep. Partly, I think of this as moving on and moving forward (love matter), as the writer is trying to remove a certain part from her heart. it could also be moving on from a former self. nevertheless, only the writer knows the real meaning of this poem. what’s important is she’s able to express herself and let it out… 🙂

  25. Kuntala Bhattacharya

    Powerful words used. If I can understand the thoughts correctly, I feel the poet is trying to recover from the past and is in a dilemma which path to select for attaining peace. I maybe wrong.

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