Hey everyone I am back after a long time. Yes on this new website but the contents would remain interesting as usual. Today on Interview zone I have Katherine Wallace from www.aureliabeauty.com. Katherine is a known fashion blogger and in her blogs she explains the products very well. So I shall proceed to the interview.
Me: Hi Katherine. Thank you for accepting my invitation for interview zone. So shall I proceed with the interview?
Kat: My pleasure. Sure. Go ahead.
Me: So how did you decide to become a fashion blogger? Was it a thoughtful choice?
Kat: I decided to become a fashion blogger because I love all things related to fashion and beauty, they have always inspired me. One evening I suggested starting a blog to my husband as a way to harness my creativity and share it with family, friends and whoever else stumbled across it. My husband was super supportive and now I have been blogging for about 4 months. I would say it was both a thoughtful, and spontaneous choice. Thoughtful in the sense that I knew this was something I was passionate about and had a drive to do. Yet spontaneous because it was a very spur of the moment choice to actually start my blog.
Me: Wow that’s awesome, So How was the response initially? Share some moments with us please.
Kat: I feel that the initial response was everything I could have hoped for. All of my family and friends were very supportive and couldn’t wait to see the content I was creating. I found it very touching that so many people in my life were interested in reading what I had to say. I have a hard time pinpointing any specific moments, because the whole experience has been so overwhelmingly positive.
Me: Do you think Organized Stores keep an eye of the fashion bloggers?
Kat: I definitely think that brands keep an eye on what bloggers are posting and saying about their products. However, in the past I believe brands have focused mainly on bloggers with larger followings. In the past year or so it seems that brands are starting to see the importance of micro-influencers when it comes to marketing. Micro-influencers (1,000 – over 10,000 followers, subscribers) can drive a lot of traffic to a store if they give a positive review of a product, or wear a brands clothing often. Personally, I have had brands interact with my posts on social media (likes, comments, ect.). Therefore I think it is safe to say that they are very aware about what bloggers are saying about their products and how even small bloggers can have an overall impact.
Me: Whom do you envision as your target reader?
Kat: I envision my target reader being a young professional or entrepreneur between the ages of 18-35. But in all honesty I think that anyone who has a love for fashion and beauty will enjoy reading my blog.
Me: There are a lot of people following you on your fashion blog. How do you manage this huge number of followers?
Kat: Other forms of social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter are major factors as to why I have the following that I do. By putting myself out there on all of those social media platforms I am able to reach a larger number of people on a daily basis.
Me: What motivates you to blog?
Kat: Other beauty and fashion bloggers really motivate me. Every time I go on Instagram, Pinterest or WordPress I see the content that is being put out by other bloggers. Sometimes I’ll see an outfit on someone with pieces I would never have thought to put together, but it looks amazing. This makes me look a bit closer at my own closet and try to look for pieces that I thought wouldn’t go well together before and make an outfit with them.
The same goes for the beauty side of my blog. I will see a colourful makeup look on Instagram and be inspired to try something similar. I think that is one of the amazing things about being a part of the blogger community, it is always so inspiring.
Me: That’s great to know. So my last question for you would be would you like to give any Any advice for all our fashionable readers?
Kat: Use fashion trends as guidelines, not rules. Find your own personal style and rock it, regardless of what the current trends are.
Katherine, that was a lovely advice
So readers this was Katherine for you today.
And I really hope you enjoyed reading.
Keep following, Keep reading. And Keep Rocking..