Interview with The Author Ms. T Shree

Contemporary Romance incorporates the full pattern of a romance, starting with the meeting of the couple. Infrequently characters will definitely know one another and as opposed to having a lovable or off-kilter meeting there will be a trigger occasion that starts the adjustment of sentiments from dispassionate to romantic.

About the author:

The Author Ms. T Shree is working as a full-time corporate professional in Banking & Finance industry. She believes in the saying, “Life is all about the dare and to dream, to try something new even it makes you feel skittish of a possible failure.”

She is an avid reader since childhood and reading books has inspired the hidden writer in her to venture into new territories & she finally penned down her debut novel, “You’ll Always Be My Favorite What If.”

When she thought of writing, she contemplated with the idea whether she should write something fictional or a real one. Finally, she decided to pen down something which was really close to her heart and that’s how her writing journey started.

About the book: 

You’ll Always Be My Favorite “What If” is an Indian Contemporary Romance written by Ms. T Shree. This is the first series of the book. It is a bewitching love story between Avyansh and Amisha who fall in love at the first sight, although they get apart from each other but they meet again after 15 years. But this time will they be together? What has destiny planned for them?

Sounds Interesting right?

Today I managed to get an interview of this book’s author Ms. T Shree. The conversation is mentioned below.

Me: As writing has always been a part of your life. What’s the allure for you?

T Shree: Well, I should say it was my voracious reading that actually allured me into writing. The more books I read, the more I got convinced about penning down my expression and that’s how my journey started.

Me. Why did you choose contemporary romance?

T Shree: I never chose anything in particular, it was spontaneous. I always loved reading romance so I was more comfortable expressing my thoughts in that genre.

Me. We know that this is the first book in the series of ‘What If…’, Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

T Shree: Well, each of the books in this series can be read as a stand alone romance but whenever books are written in a series, the intention is to make reader acquainted with the characters and give some background idea. As far as “You & Me Series” is concerned, I would like to suggest the readers to read the first book at least – You’ll Always Be My Favorite “What If” to get introduced to the characters. They are a group of close friends with a close bond. Each one of them has their own bitter life experiences and have their inhibitions about falling in love. There is a different flavor in each story with some real-life incidents.

Me. What did you edit out of this book?

T Shree: While it may sound like a fairytale but I have been a witness to this beautiful love story myself.  None of the incidents are edited, I just changed a few names for the sake of privacy. If you’ll read this book, you will get to know, it’s not about only two people who were in love but it talks about a very regular middle-class family where your parents and even the extended family members play a vital role. You would be able to relate how education, job, affluence & beauty are a few of the important criteria for arranged marriages in our society rather than relationship compatibility. How people try to drag their marriage for the sake of family and divorce is still looked at as taboo.
So to be very honest, I have made a conscious effort to present each incident as it actually happened.

Me. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

T Shree: Well, it’s a long journey and once I complete my second book, I would be able to tell you clearly if there was a change in my writing style. So far, I don’t think there is much change. I write for my own happiness and I believe in a realistic narration. A reader should be able to relate his/her own life to the story.

Me. What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

T Shree: For me writing is a key to attain peace of mind. Language has the power to bring a tranquilizing effect to your emotional turmoil. Whenever I feel choked with emotions, I write to release my feelings.  As I mentioned earlier, I am a voracious reader and I started reading at an early age. As I grew up I got into the habit of writing a diary where I used to express my inner feelings and emotions and that used to work as tranquilizer. Later I studied English literature which helped me to refine my expressions. I still remember I used to write my rebellious thoughts about various societal norms in India, about fake women empowerment, patriarchal setup and many more.
There are many things we see or go through in life but it remains unvoiced due to family or societal pressures and somewhere it chokes you. Writing gives you the power of unhinged expression and somewhere it brings a calming effect to your mind as well.

Me. Do you hide any secrets in your book that only a few people will find?

T Shree: There are no secrets as such as I have already mentioned in the book it is based on a true story. All those people who have experienced unrequited or unfulfilled love in their life would be able to relate the best. I may write many other books but this will be the closest to my heart not because it’s my debut novel but because I have seen the emotional suffering of the couple.

Me: What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

T Shree: I don’t know whether it can be called artistic or not, but I want to create my unique writing style. I try to express the emotions which the chapter carries through opening quotes or closing quotes that’s the most difficult part for me. Although it takes a lot of time to think of the right lines I love doing that.

Me: What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?

T Shree: I am quite an outgoing person with an active social life. I would happily compromise on that to focus on my writing and make it better.

Me: What does literary success look like to you?

T Shree: Well, this is more of a passion for me and I have not set up any benchmark for success. When I read reviews where people feel connected with the book & it reminds them of their own past or love life, it’s a success for me. Trust me nothing makes me more happy when a reader says they reminisced their past while reading the book. If a reader captures the essence of my expression, that’s a success for me.

Me: Ever since you have entered writing what is the one thing that you regret and what is that one thing to are grateful?

T Shree: I regret that my reading has slowed down and it really hurts and I feel guilty about it. I am grateful that few genuine readers of contemporary romance were able to capture the essence of this story and they reached out to me directly to tell how they actually felt.

Me: My last question. What advice would you like to give to the readers of your book and what advice would you give to the aspiring writers?

T Shree: What advice can I give to the readers rather they need to tell the budding authors how we can improve further. But yes one thing I would like to say, your interest in the genre is very important before picking up any book to read whether from an established author or a budding author. If I may take the liberty of saying that all the books are written in a particular genre and it cannot have a mix of the best. If it’s a romance it will, of course, be full of an emotional roller coaster, similarly, a suspense thriller may not have many mushy expressions, and so on. Every story is beautiful in itself so please pick what you like to read as per your interest.
For the aspiring authors, I would just like to say that like any other industry, this industry also has fierce competition so have faith in your writing and stay on. It’s a journey for each one of us and everything takes time. Some people may like your work, some may not but that should not demotivate you. We can choose to pick up genuine feedbacks.



The Answers were really amazing. I had a great time talking to her, hope you all loved her interview

Her books are available on,, Amazon.UK and Flipkart. The Links are given below:



47 thoughts on “Interview with The Author Ms. T Shree”

  1. I love the reply to the answer to the question about success. It’s always really interesting to hear how authors define success which is not always the answer you would expect.

  2. That is really cool that she finally penned her first novel. And the book sounds like a great romance novel. The premise kind of reminds me of the movie Serendipity, from 20 years ago. Which happens to be one of my favorite romantic comedies.

  3. I love when I get to read interview questions from authors. It definitely helps us to get to know them on a more personal level, and thus makes it easier to relate to them, and for some of us entices us to buy more of their published works.

  4. I may not be a very huge fan of romance novels but i love the concept behind this What If… It somehow reminds me of those movies like If Only and the musical If/Then as they share common premise. This is definitely worth reading.. Thank you also T Shree for sharing great tips for aspuring authors like us

  5. I had watched many Indian romantic movies and I always enjoyed them, they always got these unique storylines. But I haven’t read Indian romantic novels, so this books would be a good try. Thanks for this update!

  6. Thanks for sharing this wonderful interview with us and I will ahve to check out her book for sure as I am in need of a new good read 😉

  7. It’s great that Ms. T Shree can handle a full time profession and write novels on the side. Her passion for writing sounds very strong.

  8. I love a good romantic book, especially by Indian authors. I will try to get You’ll Always Be My Favorite “What If” to see how the book is. Thanks for the recommendation and also the interview is amazing. It is good to know what the author thinks behind a book and their journey.

  9. I have never heard of the Author Ms. T Shree but I guess I am not a big reader of Contemporary Romance novels. But I do love her advice to other budding authors about writing about “your interest” in whatever genre you love!

  10. The subject of contemporary romance is interesting and what makes the plot different is of two lovers separating and meeting after 15 years, what happens is the question. The interview provides interesting insights into the thought process of the author. Sandy N Vyjay

  11. Being in a love marriage i totally agree with T Shree that it take alot more than love to be married in india especially families are married first. A huge congratulations to T Shree for the book and waiting to read more of her work . This book seems to be a lovely read. And also congratulations to moni dutta for her achievements.

  12. What an interesting interview with Ms. T Shree, the author of You’ll Always Be My Favorite “What If”. I haven’t written the romantic novel but I wish to know what happens to the love story of the two protagonists after they meet. 15 years is a long time and can change a lot!

  13. What an interesting interview with Ms. T Shree, the author of You’ll Always Be My Favorite “What If”. I haven’t read the romantic novel but I wish to know what happens to the love story of the two protagonists after they meet. 15 years is a long time and can change a lot!

  14. It’s always fun and interesting to read ot know about the author and what and how he/she penned her/his book. As an avid reader myself I love author interview to know about what was in their mind when they wrote the book. This was a fab interview and now I need to get the book and read it.

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