Imaginary Travel

Have you ever dreamt of traveling somewhere far away? Maybe to escape a bad situation, find yourself, or chase a hidden truth? This post is all about imaginary travels – journeys that take us on adventures of love, friendship, and self-discovery.

Could Carmilla be more than just a name? Was Meera’s trip to Styria destined to rewrite her love story? 

Sometimes the most unexpected connections blossom on the road. Will this text lead to a travel friendship for the ages?

Amalia’s Prague adventure isn’t just about healing. Will she use this solo trip to build a life free of drama and toxic friendship?

What do you think of the stories, let me know in the comments.

6 thoughts on “Imaginary Travel”

  1. Very very true … true and honest friendship happens only in childhood.. but when we grow up friendship happens for a reason or purpose. I agree exceptions are there and so I also get hurt by many so called friends behind mask, although i gave my hands to them for true friendship

  2. You are an excellent scriber Moni! I believe in living vicariously. When my favourite creators visit some far flung places (like Uruguay, Peru etc) I live vicariously through them.

  3. For me travel is about seeing a new place, enjoy a few days off and have fun with family. It does have their capacity to make someone heal, explore, or lose or find themselves.

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