An Interview the author of The Invisible Love

Mr. Rajan V Kokkuri hailing from Attoor, Kerala, is an Engineering Designer by profession and lives in Muscat. Rajan is the author of 3 books by the name ‘I Remain Forever Yours’, My Precious Dreams & ‘The Invisible Love’. Rajan has also co-authored 3 Anthology short stories namely ‘Love Once Again in Life in Lockdown’ & Lockdown Diaries. Rajan’s ‘I Remain Forever yours’ has been featured as India’s one of the ‘Top 100 Debut Novel’. Rajan’s 2 poems won awards from Delslam.

Rajan is the Co-author of several books

Rajan’s 2 stories are available as an audio story on YouTube.

So today, we managed to get an interview with him.


Me: Congratulations on your 3RD book and for all the lovely reviews! How are you feeling?

Mr. Kokkuri: Thanks, I am feeling humbled and happy. I got a surprise request from a relative in London who wanted to give his wife my three published English books for her birthday. I was surprised when he told me that he had previously given books by well-known authors such as Dr. Shashi Tharoor, whom I greatly admire.

Me: What inspired the idea for your book?

Mr. Kokkuri: There are a few late people in my life who had extraordinary abilities and a great deal of affection for me, which I have felt since I was a child. I’d like to write about some memories from my life with them as a tribute to them, as well as some stories about current issues like water scarcity.

Me: What characters in your book are most similar to you or to people you know?

Mr. Kokkuri: This book contains many characters who are similar to me, and I have also narrated some real-life incidents that occurred in my life.

Me: If you could meet your characters, what would you say to them?

Mr. Kokkuri: It is a heartfelt moment, and I may meet them in my dreams to learn about their feelings.

Me: How did you come up with the title for your book?

Mr. Kokkuri: In my life, I’ve witnessed both the positive and negative aspects of love. I always try to highlight the positive aspects of our lives. I’ve seen people love me selflessly and abundantly. I wanted to emphasize the love of people that we cannot see with our eyes.

Me: Wow sir, my last question for you is, What advice would you like to give to those who want to pursue writing?

Mr. Kokkuri: My advice to new writers is to do your best and keep writing for your own happiness, regardless of what others think of your work.





So that was Mr. Rajan V Kokkuri with me today. Please buy Invisible love as it is an amazing book.


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7 thoughts on “An Interview the author of The Invisible Love”

  1. Omg, it’s really an impressive interview and how beautifully he answered everything. The way you penned it down, it’s really impressive.

  2. It is always nice to read a writer’s interview and know about his journey. It was a great read, especially liked his advice to writers about continuing to write for their own satisfaction. Sandy N Vyjay.

  3. Its amazing that Rajan Kokkuri’s stories are available on Youtube, I will listen to them. What a wonderful interview and it would be really nice to read all his three books. I will try to get the invisible love book as well.

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