Hello Readers, I am back…. As the category suggests yes, with an Interview. But this time it is different.
You must be thinking how? If you know me, you might know I love books. This year sometime back I met this young lady Brenna Henry from Cornwal England who is a Bibliophile like me and is a blogger too at https://bandiablog.com/ so I thought of Interviewing her. So here goes the interview.
Me: Hey Brenna, So I will directly start the questions. So, what book are you reading right now?
Brenna: I am currently reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
Me: What will you read next?
Brenna: Probably Vanity Fair by Thackeray.
Me: What was your favourite childhood book?
Brenna: George’s Marvellous Medicine by Ronald Dahl for sure.
Me: What were your reading habits like as a kid?
Brenna I started properly reading at about 10 years old, and I just read and read. I loved reading.
Me: How many books do you have checked out from the library?
Brenna: None! I just buy books instead.
Me: Do you have a bad book habit?
Brenna: I dog-ear the pages which I shouldn’t do.
Me: Do you read one book at a time, or several?
Brenna: Depends on the book. If it’s big and complex only one.
Me: What is your favourite book you’ve read this year?
Brenna: Definitely Call me by your name.
Me: What is your least favourite book you’ve read this year?
Brenna: I liked all of them but if I had to choose it’d be War of the Worlds.
Me: What is your favourite place to read?
Brenna: My bed for sure, or on a long journey on a bus or train.
Me: What makes you love a book?
Brenna: The characters. If the characters suck I just can’t get in to it.
Me: What will inspire you to recommend a book?
Brenna: If I can’t stop thinking about it I know it was great.
Me: What is the one book you will always recommend to everyone?
Brenna: Wuthering Heights.
Me: Is there a book you love that nobody else seems to?
Brenna: I’m not too sure about that, I think people like the books I like.
Me: Do you read while you are: Eating? Taking a bath? Watching TV? Listening to music? On the computer? On the bus?
Brenna: Listening to music for sure, I get distracted otherwise.
Me: What is your favourite genre to read?
Brenna: Victorian novels, romance I think.
Me: What genre do you rarely read, but wish you read more of?
Ans19) Maybe Sci-fi, I can’t quite get my head around it.
Though I still have many questions in my mind and I can still keep on asking questions but I guess We have reached our deadline. So Brenna the last question for you.
Me: Since which age u started reading and what was the first book you ever read.
Brenna: All the way through would be George’s marvellous medicine or War Horse.
Me: Thank you Brenna for your time.

Whoa! That was an amazing interview with a lovely bookworm. I loved it obviously.
What about you?
Let me know.
So I guess it’s my time to take a leave. See you soon.
Take Care.
I don’t always find time to read books but I love when I find a good one I can’t put down.
Nice interview! I too am a book lover and it’s interesting to know about the favourite books and reading habits of other book lovers. Brenna seems to enjoy reading a lot.
I love reading but as a busy mom of three and an entrepreneur I struggle to find the time! This year I have finally started listening to Audible books and I am loving it – I listen while I take long walks or run errands – even while I am grocery shopping. Its awesome!!
There is a lot of great books mentioned here. Well conducted interview
I have to force myself to read anything other than kids books. I guess kids chapter books are all I can read for now until the kids grow up.
I don’t read sci-fi either. I generally prefer non-fiction. I’m a bit of a history geek.
I love to read as well. Just started another Steve Berry book yesterday. I live historical fiction.
What a great interview. I love to read too. I like to listen to music while reading as well.
Reading books and love for them is very useful as you have a lot of things to talk when you get around with your friends or get yourself in some gathering. I like the way you have presented the interview, it has given my English a new level. And let me say, you look pretty close to nature.
I am not much of a reader. I have to really get into a book to be able to finish. Mostly I just read my Bible.
Love this! I starting reading and reading and reading at 10 as well. Since I always have at least 3 books next to me.
I used to love reading, then somehow realize I just haven’t had the time. However, I now have a little one-year-old and have started reading to him. It’s like a win-win.
What a fun interview. I really do need to find a good book to read. I love Victorian (or really most any historical) romance novels! I got hooked on romance novels when I was on bed rest during my pregnancy with my 2nd child. XD It was either that or deeply religious texts that I had no interest in.
I’m a bookworm, too. It’s almost a disease for me. Often it keeps me from getting anything done. Once I pick up a book, I have a very difficult time doing anything else until it’s done. If it’s a series, I’m in big trouble!
Great interview, I love to dive into a great story. I agree that good characters make the story!
This was a really fun interview! It gave me some inspiration for some new books to read for sure! I love reading but haven’t been doing as much lately since I have been so busy.
reading is something i have been doing forever. and i have read many of the books on this list (but need to read ‘call me by your name;) enjoyed the interview..
I remember reading Frankenstein back in high school in English class! Glad you got to interview a fellow bibliophile!
Those are some great books that are mentioned here. Good interview
Now I need to go figure out what a bibliophile is! hahaha!
I love to do intereviews as well though I have not done one on my blog yet. I have interviewed a few authors but never a bibliophile. I should interview my wife!
I’m a massive book worm myself! I don’t get to read as much anymore but I’ve switched to audiobooks so I at least get to listen to books. I’m currently rereading 1985 and will always recommend Man’s Search for Meaning to everyone!
Great interview, I am also a book lover. Reading transports me to another word, it is like therapy for me.
I wish I had more time to read lately! Nothing is better than sitting down with a good book!
Thanks for this interview. I am a bibliophile myself and I tend to horde books!
I don’t always love reading mayb because I didn’t know about any good book. But here I found so many suggestions which would really make me to start reading soon
I love it too. Reading too. It’s amazing how you can learn and have fun just reading. Now I’m reading The power of habit by Charles Duhigg. Thanks for sharing.
I’d love to read Vanity Fair, thanks for the heads up!
What a lovely interview this is. I love seeing how much people enjoy reading and what kind of genres they enjoy etc.
Great interview. I really love all i read. Unfortunately i am not much of a reader. lots of great books mentioned here.
You did a great interview. It is nice to meet fellow bibliophile and know their recommendations.
Great interview and I do pick up few tips here from you. Pretty cute conversation and I dont know you can do it this way. I love it.
I have honestly not read a good book in a LONG time. I will definitely check out Victorian novels once I have a free moment!
Cheers to more book readers like me too! I also like to read before going to bed and when I’m on a trip. Makes the journey much more exciting!
I love to read! I think my grandma actually tricked me into it. I remember her always telling me that I love reading and one day, I picked up a book from school called, “Goodnight, Mr. Tom” and that was it for me. I read all of the time now whenI have the time to do it.
When I was in my young age I always love to read books but I forget to go back in my reading routine when I become and employee and a mother at the same time. I love this interview and it really went very well and I think this interview inspires me to go back on my reading routine.
great interview and very insightful – as an avid reader myself, I must admit that I have not read very many Victorian romance novels, what would both of you recommend? Sometimes, I get tired of what seems to be the formula for contemporary romance novels these days, so anything that would shake me out of this rut would be appreciated. Blessings!
I love to read but it’s so hard to find time for it with so many distractions in modern life. it really is one of the best ways to unwind.
Such a nice interview! I am such a bibliophile too! Reading is one of my fav hobbies! I always have a book to read on my commute!
Even if I love reading very much I have to admit that recently it’s harder and harder for me to find books that really keep me awake and that I can’t put down. I’m looking for new suggestions and ideas
Oh I love to read! I actually cant imagine not reading, I read at least one book a week and sometimes more. It’s my favourite pastime.
Interesting post and a lovely interview! I used to read quite a lot during elementary school but nowadays I just have zero time for that. Sometimes it would be nice to just sit down, take a cup of tea and read a good book. Hopefully I’ll carry on the habit when I’m older. 🙂
Usually, I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man. Best article I have ever read
Keep it up!
I LOVE IT. I love meeting other book bloggers and browsing their sites and checking out their reads.
Reading has been completely transformed in the past 30 years. When I was a kid, there used to be only paper books. Now it’s all digital, too, I haven’t read a real book in a long time…
I’m a total bookworm! Can’t get enough. I agree about not being able to get my head around sci-fi. I do love dystopian and fantasy for some reason, though.
This was a lovely reader for a book lover like me. I love reading about other bookworms. I am forever reading or writing.
I love reading but find that I don’t have the time anymore. This post made me realize that I’d like to really make some time for myself and get back to my reading.
You captured her passion for books, and would make anyone want to grab a book and take a journey. I read to my kids nightly, but although I used to read a lot, I just don’t make the time as of late.
What a cute convo! I love a good book but I usually opt for fact-based. It’s been awhile since I read anything fiction.
Great interview. I have to admit that I dogear pages myself. I know as a librarian I shouldn’t do that. And I don’t do it with library books. But I can’t imagine not doing it to my own books. I don’t know why.
what a great interview. i love reading and while it has been a while since i’ve read a great book I am not def inspired to read a few i have sitting on my nightstand.
Super fun to learn more about Brenna! I am also a huge reader, but I tend to read on the train on my way to work rather than in bed.
Well done! This was a fun interview to read. I am totally guilty of dog earring pages too. It’s just so much easier than a book mark.
This is such a great interview and it really went well. I am glad that there still a lot of people who really enjoyed reading a book and this interview motivates me to do as well.
I dont read much but I could read few books only when I am alone.
What a awesome review… Whenever I get time I start reading books fiction, non-fiction and biography.
What and interesting interview!! I love hearing more of why and how people enjoy things. It makes me want to get back into reading!!!
Another great brunch of books recommended here. I seriously like the way you put this within a conversation style
That was indeed a good interview 🙂 Would love to pick few books from it.
Nothing beats a good book and it’s strange how some of them live on inside of us for such a very long time. Great interview BTW, it’s great to see people are still reading and appreciating the older classics
I really love to read! When I was six, my grandma gave me the first Harry Potter book and that was it for me. 🙂
It’s admirable that she reads so much. I wish I had more time to read. I usually only have time to read when I go to the beach.
well done on such a great interview. I too am a big book worm.
This is awesome! I love people that love to read 🙂 It’s nice to hear different perspectives!
What a great idea and interview. I like to read but I like to read random things: articles, fanfics, magazines, and etc.
Great interview! Good to hear some of her favorites!
A bibliophile is a new term never heard of that. I dont like when people dog ear the books but I love to listen to music while I read.
Awesome interview with some great Q & A. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful interview! The characters make the biggest difference for me, too. Once I connect with them, I can’t put the book down!
I love to read as well, sometimes multiple books a week but usually either non fiction or cheap fantasy or scifi. But its interesting to see that known bookworms generally always end up with the classics.
I too love books but was not a fan of War of the Worlds. Just not my type of book. But, I love about 9 out of 10 books that I read.
I am busy enough to not have the time for reading books, even if I like it. But a good book always deserves to find the time to read it.
Great interview! I love books! Whenever I get a chance I always pick up a book to read!
great interview. thank you for sharing. As a book lover myself I am always interesting in what others are reading and what they are interested in.
What a lovely interview! Books are just the best I love getting to escape off to another place through their pages.
I’m also a bookworm and I love reading books a lot! I devoured several great books this summer and I can’t wait for more. I loved this interview as it touched upon the matters which are also important to me! 🙂
We are huge readers here as well. Also, side note, I really like the image you chose for the top of the page.
I wish I still had more time to read books. I love reading ever since I was a little girl.
I really enjoyed reading this article interview, this evening. I like reading but just don’t always get the time To do so x
Thanks for a great interview! I love to hear what other people are reading because sometimes I can find new books I have never heard of! I wish I had more time to sit down and enjoy a great book, now a days I do audiobooks on the go!
I love reading. This has really inspired me to read again, Oh I miss it and I can totally relate to everything that she said.
I love books! I don’t always have a time to read them but even that I still buying more and more and now I need to check one which was mentioned in this interview ‘Call me by your name’
I didn’t used to like Sci-Fi, but I’m slowly getting into it after Ready Player One.
I love reading classics and brings me back to high school. There are so many great books out there
Great interview. It reminds me that I am a bookworm forever. Even I was reading while I was eating in my childhood. I love reading more than eating, ha ha ha …
I really loved Call me by your name too.
xo Corina
I love to read too! i love the world of books. My ever first book was the first Harry Potter’s book. At a young age i love tales and the like. I’m glad there is more people like me who love a good book.
I love her choice of books. I have quite a huge selection since reading is my passion!
Such a lovely interview and its good that you both share similar interest.
It’s been a while since I’ve read a book where I wouldn’t want to do anything else but read. This post has some great suggestions. Thanks
This is a great interview! I have always loved reading, even from a very young age. My go-to genres are romance/drama and romance/comedy. I have a 2 chapter rule where if I am not drawn in by the end of the second chapter, I usually don’t continue reading. Luckily, this doesn’t happen often!
What a wonderful post! My eyes lit up when I read: “Call me by Your Name.” I loved the film. I haven’t gotten around to reading the book but I know I’d love to for sure. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I’m not a fan of War Of The Worlds either! I just couldn’t get into it! Great interview! I always dog-ear pages too! Hahaha
I used to be an avid reader, but the season of life has me so busy with family obligations. Looking forward to getting back to my bibliophile self.
I love how Brenna is reading the classics right now…I mean Frankenstein then Vanity Fair, Awesome. I personally have it on my bucket list reading list to read some books by Roald Dahl as well. We loved exploring Cardiff and learning more about him when we were there. It is always interesting to see what other Bibliophiles are reading and what interests them.
Fun interview! It’s always interesting to learn about the interests of others. I wish I had time to be a bibliophile! I have SO many books here I’ve never read!
This was a lovely read! I wish I knew more bibliophiles in my area. A lot of people discount reading nowadays
Such a great interview and conversation…. reading is the best for everyone…
I love George’s Marvellous Medecine! It’s definitely one of my favourite from Roald Dahl! Noting down some of the book recommendations now.
I am a lover of literature as well, and I also have the bad of habit of creating “dog ears” pages!
Thank you so much for this great interview! When is your next guest coming to visit?
I love reading. It’s the one thing that can get me to switch my brain off!
One recommendation: when writing these types of articles, you should italicize the book titles so they stand out from the text 🙂
What a lovely interview. It must always be nice to chat to people who have similar interests to yourself x
great advice!! just learn some cool things!!
I love to read. I have been getting behind on my yearly goal lately. But this interview lit a fire in me. I am going to spend my weekend catching up!
Love the interview. I am book lover. Whenever I get time I start reading my favourite books. But I take time to finish the book.
Interesting that a book lover doesn’t use the library! They make it so easy these days, my local one has an app to use to find and reserve books.
Oh, this makes me miss reading so much! I’ve heard a lot about Wuthering Heights, but I’ve never actually read it – thanks for the inspiration, I’m going to download it to my Kindle!
I love to read as well!! There is nothing better than finding a book you can’t put down!
Reading books is definitely something that I need to do more of. I have become so consumed and busy with life that I have lost that time and I need to get it back!
I used to love reading Victorian romance novels. I love Wuthering Heights! Brenna sounds like a busy bookworm. 🙂
What a great interview and thank you for sharing. I am a big nonfiction reader myself!
I love your questions and her to-the-point answers. I too love reading so much but can’t find enough time to read. I love reading mysterious and romantic books.
Nice interview! I am not that into reading books but it was good to know about the favourite books and reading habits of other book lovers.
One of my favorite books is Frankenstein, hope she is enjoying as much as I did. Love reading…
Great interview, I love reading, it makes me relax, I’m into books like harry potter as well as sci-fi stories are interesting to read, I’ve read few books last summer and still there’s a lot more to read.
I love reading books… it’s not always easy to find the time at this point in my life, but when I do get a chance I appreciate that time much more…
Great interview by the way… Now I have more to add to my list with your suggestions ; )
As with the rest of my family, I love reading and when I was young I loved the fact that our house was full of so many books. My children (aged 6 and 10) have also caught the reading bug – it’s a lovely way to relax! It was interesting to hear about Brenna’s favourites.
It was fun to read an interview with a book lover. Having published a travelogue ourselves, we are always curious to learn from people who love reading! Thanks for such a fresh post.
Enjoyed interview with a book lover. I love reading though these days read articles more on diverse subjects but i used to read books earlier both fiction and literature.
Being a bibliophile myself I can absolutely relate to this! Loved the questions
What a fun interview!! I wish I could get into books a little more but I just can’t seem to make time for it. With 2 toddlers at home, it’s hard to squeeze in a few moments uninterrupted! I think when they get older I will probably read more.
it is so interesting! So much new about bibliophiles. Very nice interview overall.
P.S. have a great weekend dear!
I love reading! This was so interesting to read also. Loved the interview. I always enjoy knowing what other reads since so many people read so many different things. It’s just amazing you know! 😀
I don’t always make time to read as much as I’d like so I just recently joined a book club and it’s been an awesome way to stay motivated to READ!
I’m an avid reader myself, so I always love to see what others are reading and what their favorites are. Great interview!
I share your love of books. I began reading when I was quite young but,unlike you, I cannot recall the names of any of my childhood books.
I use to love books when I was a kid but now I feel like I never have time to read.
I like to read myself. I am a blogger too and the best part is I love spending my weekends in Book cafes here in Kolkata. You may like it.
What a fun interview. I am also a book lover who reads more of work-related books lately instead of fictions. It is interesting to know that Brenna reads while listening to music to keep herself from getting distracted, because I personally find sometimes music can be a distraction when I read, Lol. Nice post!
Great interview! I recently bought the whole Roald Dahl collection to read aloud to my kids- but I’ve never read George’s Marvelous Medicine. I’ll have to read it!
Now that would be a fun interview for sure. As a book lover, I can relate to always needing new material.
In time, I lost the habit of reading books. I learned very early to read (at 4 years old) and I read the entire library of my parents (hundreds of books) to my 9 years. I think I read a book a week. After college, I could no longer take a single book in my hands – I wanted to rest from reading and learning. So I’ve been reading only ebooks and professional books for 10 years.
Cool interview! I would say that I prefer watching movies than reading books. I wonder how her bedroom looks like.
Roald Dahl sure is a prolific author. And oh, I have read Wuthering Heights when I was younger. And now, I forgot about the plot. hahaha
I love the way u mention interview… I enjoyed reading…. thanks
I don’t read nearly as much as I should. Reading this interview inspires me to pick up a book and read this weekend
that was short and sweet! I love reading books but genre varies from romance to self development books.
I remember reading Wuthering Heights in school, not a fan at the time. I wonder if I read it now as an adult, would my opinion change…Thanks for sharing the interview.
When I was younger, I would easily read 200-300 pages a day, now it seems to be very rare that I even read. I did just read 200 pages of a book yesterday though which was really nice. In first grade, I became obsessed with books and that was literally all I wanted to do, was to read. Wuthering Heights is on my list…Maybe I’ll read it next,
Very well conducted interview. The books shared in this post are really good books to read.
xo Corina
very well conducted interview. The books shared in this are really good for reading.
xo Corina
Im not a book lover but once in a while when i can find a good book to read. I will sit down on it tilli fisnishe it 🙂
I absolutely love meeting and reading about people that love books as much as I do. Such a great interview!
Victorian novels do capture such a cool era. They are perfect for romance!
such a nice post. being a book lover, i was able to relate to a lot of things that were there in your interview.
Really awesome interview! Some really great books talked about here too. I need to read more!!!
I am also a book lover and always crave to read new books. This is a nice interview. Thanks for sharing.
So fun to learn about others hobbies. Good for her for finding all of the time to read instead, helps your brain stay young.
I love this interview. In my former life, pre-kids, I was a huge reader. This is inspiring me to get back to reading.
I love to read – I have hundreds of books on my tablet. There’s nothing nicer than curling up with a good read.Loved the interview – yes, characters do make the story come to life
What a great interview! I’m a huge book lover and this inspired me to grab a new book.
I always try to discover a big-hearted book, so that way my dear. I can’t put it down until finished all
I can still remember the exact moment when I fell in love with books. I have been an avid reader ever since.
I always love to know what others love to read… I am a preggo and I love reading too…
I love reading and it was lovely to know brenna’s interests in reading too. Very well conducted interview! Brenna thanks for sharing!
Each time i visit your blog i always learn new things, I love it. Great interview unfortunately am not a book lover or reader.
I am a book lover, too. In my room I have a mini shelf so I can see all of my books. I really enjoy reading. The interview is great. It’s fun to know other people and as well.
I need to get back to reading! I feel like I’ve missed out on so many great books! I would love to read something like this.
I enjoyed reading the article. I like reading too. I was a complete bookworm during my school days.
I’m just getting back into reading. I found my favorites, R.L. Stine’s Fear Street, in the Dollar Store one day, and just fell back in love with reading. I’m a bit slow, and read several books at a time, but I’m never too confused. I may have to go back a page or two to refresh, but I have no qualms with reading more than one book at a time.
I love reading so much, am a self confessed bookworm! I can stay at home for a week without ever getting out just as long as I have books to read, well magazines will do, news articles. Whatever printed material as long as I keep my eyes and imagination busy!
I think I would also call myself a bibliophile except I wish I read more! I LOVE books and reading and I get so caught up in them. Sometimes I get so sucked into a book, it’s all I can think about. I can definitely relate to Brenna in so many ways. I love great characters. Sometimes, I’ll read a book and have to put it down for whatever reason and when I’m not reading I feel like I’m missing out on something – like it’s continuing without me lol. So weird. I just love books! Great interview!
Great interview! I love to read books. Currently, I’m obsessed with non-fiction. I read fiction sometimes. Harry Potter and anything from Dan Browns always have a spot in my heart. 🙂
So true…! Started reading habit from a very young age will shape our character. Books are the window of the world..
It’s definitely an oldie but goodie, but I keep meaning to read Wuthering Heights. I think I saw the movie long ago, though! 🙂
Ronald Dahl was one of my favorite authors when I was a child. He wrote so many great books!
What a great article!! I was a total book-nerd in school…I find myself missing getting carried away by a character or an awesome story-line now that am “all grown up “ and time is stretched so thin.
This is so interesting to know! I am a book lover too. I can finish reading in one sitting if it is a really good one.
Oh this reminds me of one of my favourite quotes by C.S. Lewis: “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.”
I love reading so much! Such an amazing interview this time around.
Great interview. I too love to read. Interesting to read other’s thoughts on reading.
I could not forget my first interview on my first job as a restaurant crew bask in 2004. But that taught me a lesson.
Thanks for sharing your interview! I love reading, and it’s always great to find out what other people are reading and why so I can incorporate some good books into my list!
Love this – I can totally relate to this! What a great interview 🙂 Always love reading what other people are reading too – gives me some good ideas!
i love reading but never find the time. i really should though, its a good hobby
I guess I’m what you’d call a non-practicing bibliophile. LOL. I absolutely love books, and I love to read every chance I get. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance in months. =(
I am a certified bibliophile, too! I have hundreds of books for my collection and I would love to be stranded in an island for a month with nothing but my books. lol
Bibliophile! -Me too.. I love reading about others who love reading as much as I do and of late while I have mainly read childrens books and YA books, I read just about anything and everything (with a very few exceptions)
Such a great interview. I simply love reading and will always try to find the time to read at least one or two books a month.
I love reading interviews like this. I am a big bookworm so always like hearing about other people’s book choices
Thank you a lot for sharing this with all of us you actually understand what you’re speaking about! Bookmarked. Please also seek advice from my website =). We will have a link exchange agreement among us!
Reading really deals great damage to ignorance. Thanks for this meaningful interview